CNN reveals Walz campaign lied about his DUI – IOTW Report

CNN reveals Walz campaign lied about his DUI


CNN’s KFile did a rather impressive piece of journalism, digging into the past of Governor Tim Walz and revealing a potentially problematic issue.

Senior Reporter Andrew Kaczynski dropped a report revealing that in 2006, the Walz campaign lied about his 1995 DUI when he was running for Congress. Legal records indicate that Walz was speeding, driving 96 mph in a 55 mph, and had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .128 which exceeded the acceptable 0.1 BAC at the time of the crime. However, this reality became muddled when his campaign lied about the details and circumstances of his arrest. more

5 Comments on CNN reveals Walz campaign lied about his DUI

  1. “CNN’s KFile did a rather impressive piece of journalism…”

    No, Kaczynski recycled a story from twenty years ago about an event from thirty years ago, to distract from the more egregiously fascist things that Minnesota Mussolini has done in the recent past. We talked about this DUI story here a week ago, and it was thoroughly beaten to death long before Andrew Kaczynski dragged to onto the back porch.

    BTW Andrew Kaczynski is the dickhead who doxed the poor guy who made the funny Trump Wrestling GIF eight years ago. F—k him and anything he writes.

  2. That’s the second time CNN has reported a democrat-damaging story. What the hell is going on at CNN? They NEVER tell the truth or rat out commies. Spose all those years of covering for the communists is catching up with them? Are they worried that honest and patriotic Americans have had enough of them? Are they desperately trying to keep their jobs by telling the truth for a change?


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