CNN’s John King Says Biden’s Rosy Economic Comments Risk ‘Pissing Off’ Voters – IOTW Report

CNN’s John King Says Biden’s Rosy Economic Comments Risk ‘Pissing Off’ Voters


CNN’s John King said on Wednesday that President Joe Biden’s optimistic outlook on the economy under his presidency may anger voters.

Job growth may decelerate in the second half of 2024 as low growth and elevated inflation persist, according to a Monday report by research group The Conference Board. However, Biden in a CNN interview Wednesday asserted the economy is thriving under his administration, with King on “The Lead With Jake Tapper” reacting by suggesting Americans who are struggling may be infuriated by the president’s remarks. more

6 Comments on CNN’s John King Says Biden’s Rosy Economic Comments Risk ‘Pissing Off’ Voters

  1. Goebels said about propaganda: people more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie. The more preposterous the better.

    Jackass Joe takes Propaganda Plaid!

  2. He grins the vacant grin of the demented and says: “let them eat cake” because he knows the fraud machine is getting tuned up to steal another election and effectively end America.

  3. He’s just confirming what we ALL already know – that he is a vegetable, and that the people pulling his puppet strings and writing his lines are all pathological liars.

  4. We’re about to hit the ‘stag’ part of stagflation. We’ve been doing the ‘flation’ part of it for three years and the po’ folks money is about all gone. So, the po’ folk gonna quit buying, not cause they wanna, but cause they haveta’. Other than mom and pop on the corner, most all buying happens with big national outfits, outfits run on debt and cashflow. They getting ready to be getting stagged here in a bit. Mom and pop can ride ‘er down if their eyes didn’t get too big, but the big national guys were born with enormously big eyes. So the layoffs are coming, already here and increasing, cash is drying up and soon enough finding a job is going to be tough for the po’ folks.

    Naturally the rich and the nomenklatura will continue to enjoy prosperity (for a while) although it’ll likely get to the place where you don’t want to show off that fancy lambo or Ferrari too much for fear of key scratches and dents along with broken glass.

    Of course it’s what the democrat-communist-sorry, same thing- party always does, impoverish the lower income people, tax the shit out of the middle, the producers, and rain unearned wealth on the already wealthy and government apparatchicks. The repukelicans help this along almost every time with the exception of Reagan (whom the repukes HATED) and Trump (who the repukes HATE).


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