Columbia University Seeks Diversity, Lowers Standards to Allow Stupid People to Attend – IOTW Report

Columbia University Seeks Diversity, Lowers Standards to Allow Stupid People to Attend


Columbia University will no longer require undergraduate applicants to submit their SAT or ACT standardized test scores, becoming the first Ivy League school to permanently go test-optional.

Columbia’s Undergraduate Admissions announced Wednesday that it would join a growing number of higher-education institutions that have also stopped requiring test scores when considering applicants.

“Our review is purposeful and nuanced — respecting varied backgrounds, voices and experiences — in order to best determine an applicant’s suitability for admission and ability to thrive in our curriculum and our community, and to advance access to our educational opportunities,” the announcement said.

The New York City-based college has not required test scores from applicants since the 2020-2021 academic school year, when it dropped the requirement amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It had extended the policy through the 2023-2024 school year last February, according to the Columbia Spectator, its student newspaper.


9/11 was leveraged to infiltrate our civil liberties and allow the government to become more powerful in our daily lives. The “pandemic” is being leveraged to justify all sorts of agenda-driven changes.

22 Comments on Columbia University Seeks Diversity, Lowers Standards to Allow Stupid People to Attend

  1. …and these people admitted under the lack of criteria today will become the people who run our hospitals, our military, and our government tomorrow.

    God help us all.

  2. Columbia University Seeks Diversity, Lowers Standards to Allow Stupid People to Attend

    Ever notice when reading articles from journalists that it’s riddled with grammatical errors. Take a look at the WH Press Secretary, she’s a prime example of diversity gone wrong. She’s a mini-me of Lightfoot.

  3. I stood by watching as two graduates of a well known women’s college, both with STEM degrees ran tap water to near boiling point before filling ice cube trays and placing them in the freezer. When I ask why, they said because hot water freezes faster.

    As I attempted to walk these fucking shit for brains through the first law of thermodynamics wherein ΔE=q+w, where ΔE is the change in internal energy of a system, q is the net heat transfer (the sum of all heat transfer into and out of the system), and w is the net work done (the sum of all work done on or by the system) they stood there calling me a racist.

    What they had learned in four years of pseudo college is that since some POC had come up with this conclusion, it can be taken as gospel and you BETTER NOT QUESTION IT, or even test it.

    That is where all of academia is headed under these abject morons. We saw them murder innocent human beings in the FIE Pedestrian Bridge Collapse. Yes, they MURDERED these innocent people. What caused the deaths was reckless disregard for human life in pursuit of an agenda. If that isn’t murder, what is.

    Progressivism is 100% invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. That is a statement that can be applied universally and without exception. There is absolutely nothing they advocate for that is novel and their tired and worn schemes have been tested so many times that their claims of being well intended have to be considered ludicrous at best.

  4. Fake News.
    Columbia’s standards are already the lowest; they admitted (and graduated) Baronk oBozo and George Streptococculus.

    And hire Chelsea Hubell CLinton as a professor.

  5. Just so you know….the communists at the Frankfurt School in Germany were chased out by the NAZIs and they were welcomed with open arms by Columbia University.

  6. “ΔE=q+w”
    Isn’t that the name of Elon’s youngest son?

    It doesn’t matter. I know it’s not fair but whenever a minority tries to impress me with a big college degree, I figure he/she was an affirmative action entry, dumber than dirt, and totally unqualified to do anything but pick lint out of his navel.

    For that matter, anytime I need the services of anyone skilled (doctor, airline pilot, accountant, financial advisor) he has to be over 35, otherwise, he is considered a product of faulty woke training and is defective.

  7. So, rich families with dumb kids want into Columbia? And, of course, those low-scoring kids aren’t normally admitted.

    It must be all about the money.

  8. There was a time when a diploma had value based on the name of the institution.
    Any diploma dated after 1985 is questionable, and those dated after Y2K are barista-grade valueless.

  9. Colleges already admit people that are stupid enough to acquire $100,000+ student loan debt to get a gender studies degree, so he question of the day is; how low can the bar be set?


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