Comedian Jeff Allen – My America – IOTW Report

Comedian Jeff Allen – My America

ht/ hd

7 Comments on Comedian Jeff Allen – My America

  1. I have a close childhood friend, since we were both 6, he’s a day older than me, twin brothers from different mothers.
    Whenever we get together we marvel over how we ever lived, much less still possess all our limbs, after the shenanigans we enjoyed growing up.
    We made mortars that launched exploding shells, we made bombs, blew boats up and sank them, we made zip guns.
    We would go to uninhabited islands and live off the land for a week, parents were way cooler back then.
    Helmet for a bike ride, hell, we didn’t even wear shoes.
    Mug bogging through marsh festooned with razor sharp oyster shells, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and high top Chucks. Had to be high tops, the mud would suck anything else off your foot.
    Get home, Mom would make me strip and hose me off, before I was allowed inside.
    Glad this was pre iPhone cause there is no evidence, other than the ramblings of an old man.

  2. Climbed on top of the gym during a basketball game and shouted profanities into the air vent during a dead silent free throw. I fell off the bottom rung of a ladder leading up the side of a water tower. Got winded and almost blacked out but was okay. Didn’t even think of suing the water company. Another time on a dark misty night we were jumping across the gaps between grain silos. Stupid? Yep. Had we falling off could we have sued the farmer whose land we were trespassing, or the company that built the silos? Back around 1984, I kind of doubt it. Today? Goes without saying…I (and a scumweasel lawyer) would be the rich victim of their predatory attractive nuisances.

  3. Monkey bars were not outlawed because of injuries. They were removed because they’re racist against colored people of color, and because white kids were always jealous that colored kids climbed so much better.


  4. All the good kid killers were removed from Manito Park on Spokane’s South hill about 20 years ago because of liability concerns. They took down a perfectly good wooden pirate ship my kids loved to climb on and the merry go round from when I was a kid that you pushed and made it go real fast to make yourself sick and the swings that could go 15 ft. in the air that faced a bunch of pine trees that my knucklehead brothers and other kids used to jump off of when they reached their peak height. And not a one of us was ever killed, cut and scraped yes but never really hurt and my mom and dad and other parents didn’t sue the Parks Dept., it was all part of growing up and having fun before they outlawed fun.


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