Comedy Legend Don Rickles Dies at 90 – IOTW Report

Comedy Legend Don Rickles Dies at 90


Legendary comedian Don Rickles died Thursday morning at his home in Los Angeles, according to reports. He was 90.

Richard Natale reports for Variety:

Abrasive comic Don Rickles, the honorary Rat Pack member and celebrity roast guest whose career spanned six decades, has died. He was 90.

Rickles died Thursday morning at his home in Los Angeles from kidney failure, his longtime publicist Paul Shefrin confirmed. He would have turned 91 on May 8.  MORE




41 Comments on Comedy Legend Don Rickles Dies at 90

  1. Mr. Rickles, Mr. Rickles, Governor Brown is on the line to congratulate you for winning the multi-billion dollar Lotto.
    Your Publicist is on Line 2 saying they are advancing for the acceptance of your manuscript, and your Engineer is on Line 3 saying that all the plans for your new home in Carmel have been approved and work is underway.

  2. “You know, they say the Jews have all the money and they’re cheap… and the Italians are mobsters and will shake you down for all your money… and that’s all true.” -Don Rickles

  3. Love Rickles. Saw him live when I was a teenager and then met him after the show. At the time I had really long hair so he shook my hand and said, “Stay straight, kid.”
    Always made me laugh because you never knew exactly what was gonna come out of his mouth.

  4. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

    TY for all the laughs Mr. Rickles.

  5. saw him in concert in Atlantic City. Funny as hell.

    His cameo on Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee was priceless.


  6. Always loved him as Sharkey. Bought the DVDs as soon as they came out. Carson busting in on the set because Don broke his cigarette box on the Tonight Show the previous night was a riot!

  7. “I love the Mexicans. Without them we wouldn’t have FILTH.”

    I saw Don a few years ago at a casino. He came in and paused to soak in the applause right in front of me.

  8. I stand corrected – Rickles had a second album, “Hello Dummy”, which I didn’t realize he made until today. That one goes on my bucket list of things to get before I die! ;^)

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