A 1,547-page spending deal was released Tuesday night will give members of Congress a raise.
The lame-duck continuing resolution (CR) unveiled just three days before a potential government shutdown strips a provision included in spending bills since 2009 to block automatic raises for Congress, effectively giving senators and House members a raise.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), the top Democrat on the powerful House Appropriations Committee, explained in 2023 that the so-called “Member Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) automatically takes effect unless it is blocked.”
“News flash: a COLA is a pay increase for Members of Congress,” she stated unequivocally. more
See also: Stop-Gap Spending Bill Carveout Allows Lawmakers to Opt out of Obamacare
Rat bastards!
Nobody give me a cola, soda or otherwise.
Our approval rating is in the toilet. We deserve a raise. Truth be told, their salaries are tip money at the 4 star restaurants they frequent. The real money comes from lobbyists, defense contract kickbacks and insider trading. AOC bitched when she first got to Washington that she needed to get paid because she couldn’t afford housing. Now she’s a multi-millionaire.
Congress, I’ve got mine, Ukraine got theirs, Federal Agencies got theirs.
F**k Americans.
They know this is there last chance before four straight years of shit like this getting vetoed. Johnson is a complete sack of shit for allowing this to happen.
Some of them made a video making excuses.
I have a home and car at home and here.
None of our expenses are reimbursed.
Whaa whaa whaa
stick negro/obama care up your ass, grifters
Get a load of this…
Luigi Mangione had the right idea.
A 4.6% COLA on a $174k salary? Then why the F$%K is my military pension COLA only 2.5%?
“>this…I don’t give a shit about the last-minute raise, but this last-minute putting themselves out of reach of even investigations much less law enforcement actions PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF LIKE NOTHING ELSE!
We now have a THREE-TIER “justice” system: us peons, pols’ cronies, and the pols themselves. Their arrogance is infuriating.
Friends , Heard over the radio that an even later Tweet from Mr. Musk might have put a halt to that bill.
Hope it’s true!