Conservatives Mobilize to Break the Stranglehold of Woke Capital – IOTW Report

Conservatives Mobilize to Break the Stranglehold of Woke Capital


On Wednesday, a new conservative coalition launched a website aimed at combatting “woke” capital and cancel culture. aims to educate Americans on the dangers of far-Left advocacy in corporate America and equip them to fight back against the swelling tide of the “woke” inquisition. The coalition, Back to Neutral, includes organizations and leaders fed up with the Left weaponizing big business to achieve its political goals.

“We’ve watched with growing concern the Left’s efforts to infiltrate corporate boardrooms and use that power to force their agenda on Americans everywhere,” Justin Danhof, general counsel at the National Center for Public Policy Research, said in a statement on the launch. “We are drawing a line. It’s time to hold corporate America accountable for canceling conservatives. We seek to restore a healthy understanding of, and respect for, liberty, free enterprise, and American culture, all of which is being corrupted by corporate oligarchs.”

From Disney’s double standard in firing Gina Carano to Amazon’s shameful reliance on the Southern Poverty Law Center, it seems corporations are bowing to the radical Left’s orthodoxy with abandon. In fact, a large coalition has already gathered to boycott Georgia over its voter integrity bill. more

11 Comments on Conservatives Mobilize to Break the Stranglehold of Woke Capital

  1. “…it seems corporations are bowing to the radical Left’s orthodoxy…” IT SEEMS? Where the hell has this person been?

    If you go to movies, buy on Amazon, insure with Progressive, wear Nike, fly Delta or United, watch TV, try to enjoy professional sports…holy fuck, it’s fucking endless. Sickening, WTF happened to the customer? Why is it any business owner’s concern what I believe??

    The only solution is to paper your home with My Pillows and eat nothing but Goya.

  2. Nothing can be done about it.

    They won, we lost.

    There are far more people on their side than there are on ours.

    And most of those on our side just go along with it instead of divorcing ourselves from it and opposing it anyway.

  3. I am thrilled to see people standing up to tyranny. I will be registering shortly. I support, unabashedly, these efforts. We do need to counter the “drive-by media”, as Rush called them, or the DLEMM (dominant left elite multimedia) – taken from Mike Rosen in Denver.
    We do have options, but they are nowhere close to the reach of the left. When the major corps start choosing a side, it becomes even worse.
    Please support the alternatives. Sign up, donate (even if just a couple of dollars), use them. That is the only way we will ever be able to make inroads.

  4. Having Mike Rosen on in my studio in the 90s was fantastic. Little did I know that I should have taken pictures. Sadly Mike was a not now Trumper whole in for Rubio.

    Still, the man was entertaining at his peak. No one was better IMO

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