Could You Survive the Ginsberg Workout? – IOTW Report

Could You Survive the Ginsberg Workout?

She’s 83 years young and has survived cancer twice, but can Ruth Bader Ginsberg last until a Democrat gets back in the White House?  To up her odds of survival, the octogenarian has a personal trainer to keep her fit.  Now a few sources are revealing “Badass” Ginsberg’s workout routine, Here 




24 Comments on Could You Survive the Ginsberg Workout?

  1. I predict Trump will appoint 4 replacement Supremes in his first 4 years.

    That’s not including any little Presidential/FBI/NSA blackmail that persuades Kagan or The Wise Latina to step down for “personal health reasons”.

  2. Her open partisan statements, including boycotting the SOTU last night, may have seemed clever to her, or her handlers.
    I suspect it will prove to be bad for the old girl’s health.
    Scalia’s suspicious death disturbed a balance.

    Omelettes? Eggs.

  3. I suspect the odds are stacked against her healthwise. At some point the stress of arguing with the conservative members of the court will take its toll and she’ll either resign or be taken out feet first (I hope the latter doesn’t happen and she takes the former method of exit). Hell, it may only take a vote in congress to remove her should she appear to be becoming mentally or physically incompetent. In any event I’m confident Trump will be appointing her successor within his first term.

  4. “Could You Survive the Ginsberg Workout?”

    She couldn’t survive my workout, I hike 5 miles a day up hills. She’d keel over, plus she couldn’t keep up with me. I couldn’t stand her constant whining either.

  5. America needs to wake the fuck up and quit kneeling at the altar of “just-us” and curtail the power of these un-elected autocrats and their dictation from the bench. Once they started finding “law” in the “shadows and penumbras” of the Constitution and citing foreign statutes, we should have dismissed them with extreme prejudice.

    izlamo delenda est …

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