Court Date Looms for Fusion GPS – IOTW Report

Court Date Looms for Fusion GPS

Liberty Nation: The ignoble political opposition research company, Fusion GPS, is heading to a Florida U.S. District Court, no doubt kicking a screaming all the way, to answer questions about the infamous ‘dossier’ purported as penned by former British MI6 agent Christopher Steele.

At the center of this latest round of tough questions for one of Fusion’s co-founders, Glenn Simpson, is Russian businessman Aleksej Gubarev, who alleges his companies were defamed by the super spy and BuzzFeed News, the media outlet that published the report.

Gubarev wants to know who vetted Steele for the intelligence gathering and what he knew about the proposed scope of work. And unless the defendants repeatedly plead the fifth, he might just get some answers.

Fake News Dossier

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton campaign (who siphoned off DNC resources) funded Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele’s seemingly deep dive into then-candidate Donald Trump’s supposed relations with the Kremlin.

Yet spokespeople on the Clinton campaign denied knowing of the so-called opposition research.  Malarkey. Every campaign conducts the process of rooting through the dark recesses of the enemy – heck, most campaigns research their own candidate and staff. It is a common practice, although it typically doesn’t involve hiring foreign spies to fabricate dirt on the opponent. They can deny, deny, deny, but Hillary Clinton and the DNC were knee-deep in the muck on the dossier.  more here

2 Comments on Court Date Looms for Fusion GPS

  1. Everyone’s luck eventually runs out or into the ground. I don’t think that gaming the American system of justice is an absolute science just yet. The coin toss GPS is planning on may just run into a Judge that’s actually interested in finding the true truth and not interested in political favorites. Justice may still rear it’s head and land one, let us hope.

  2. Fusion dabbles in dark deals:

    US presidential election
    Venezuelan govt oil theft
    Putin enemy Browder

    Best guess, if the court allows a deep dive into their financials, they’ll be sealed and buried forevermore. Too many complicit shadowy figures would be exposed and that’s just three governments we know of.


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