Court expands Navy SEAL COVID vaccine lawsuit to include all Navy service members – IOTW Report

Court expands Navy SEAL COVID vaccine lawsuit to include all Navy service members

Just The News:

The U.S. Department of Defense will no longer be able to punish any Navy service member who has religious objections to the department’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate following a ruling Monday in a Texas district court.

The Northern District of Texas District Court expanded its decision from January into a class action lawsuit for all Navy service members, not just the Navy SEALs who originally brought the case forward. The ruling means that the Department of Defense is unable to punish any Navy service members who requested a religious accommodation to the vaccine mandate.

“Our clients are boldly leading the fight against the vaccine mandate, but no service member should face discipline or punishment for following their faith,” said First Liberty Institute’s Director of Military Affairs Mike Berry in a press release. His organization led the lawsuit on behalf of the SEALs.

“The purge of religious servicemembers is not just devastating to morale but it is bringing about about a measurable reduction in readiness that harms America’s national security. It’s time for our military to honor its constitutional obligations and grant religious accommodations for service members with sincere religious objections to the vaccine,” Berry said. more here

8 Comments on Court expands Navy SEAL COVID vaccine lawsuit to include all Navy service members

  1. “My Body; My Choice”
    Since when can ANY-fukkin-ONE order you to take a potentially life-ending experimental injection?
    The court is attempting to recognize a religious exemption?
    How about a moral exemption?
    How about “Just Say No?”

    America a adrift in a hurricane of mendacity.
    The sensible may have to mutiny to keep the Ship of State from foundering.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Tim – FJB March 30, 2022 at 9:44 am

    > How about “Just Say No?”

    They swore their lives, to kill those called “enemy”, by those that occupy their homeland.

    How about “No sh!ts given.”?

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