COVID sham: It was all about hysterical female energy – IOTW Report

COVID sham: It was all about hysterical female energy


There’s an intriguing argument being made about the COVID pandemic response, and it’s coming from a rather unexpected source—a woman. She suggests, in about one minute, that the entire reaction to the virus was driven by a distinctly female worldview. Honestly, this is the spiciest and best take we’ve ever seen, and it’s a perspective worth exploring, especially when we consider how the response played out: an emotional, hysterical overreaction, completely lacking any rational long-term thinking, fueled by fear, manipulation, and a “mean girl” mentality that pressured everyone to fall in line or else.

Think about it. Instead of a measured, data-driven approach, we saw a wave of panic wash over the entire globe, pushing us into lockdowns, school closures, and economic chaos—all based on worst-case scenarios and the inability to see beyond the immediate threat. Sadly, this is the very essence of the female reaction: focusing on the here and now without pausing to consider the bigger ramifications. It’s like the entire world was thrown into the arms of a frantic, overly protective helicopter mother who was desperate to shield her children from danger and ended up causing more harm than good. more

16 Comments on COVID sham: It was all about hysterical female energy

  1. joe6pak – actually I think that just female is probably not wrong. I know plenty of irrational “conservative” females who always have to be brought back to their senses when they fly off the handle in some sort of emotional way that tends to go against everything they profess to believe in.

  2. “females who always have to be brought back to their senses when they fly off the handle in some sort of emotional way that tends to go against everything they profess to believe in.” When no one is watching they vote democrat.

  3. “… focusing on the here and now without pausing to consider the bigger ramifications.”

    There was some of that, but unbridled narcissism is what drove most of it. I sat and listened to two idiots who couldn’t tell you what makes a quality tool any better than a marginally usable tool discuss why one was going to take the Astro injection and h the other was all in on the Johnson injection and both were engaging others in a one way enlightenment of the benighted regarding which and way. Who the fuck knows where and how they became such experts when neither has any education or experience in the field, but both were adamant that they knew best.

    A buddy’s know it all regarding how everyone should be living every aspect of their lives, and was all in for coercing everyone and everyone into being injected ended up with myocarditis and had the unmitigated gall to say “they lied to us.” Fuck me dead if she wasn’t the biggest defenders of the “they” within three counties.

  4. Another thing is they are compelled to fall in line whatever the current thing of the day is. I gave my mother notice that I will turn on the lawn and garden irrigation in the spring and set it to whatever schedule she wants, but don’t bother asking me to change the settings until next spring. I don’t give a damn what the “expert” you saw on Good Morning America’s Idiot Women said, if you want it changed call the irrigation company and pay them to change the settings. Before I laid down the law on that, it was five or six times/season.

  5. Jennifer was the opposite. “Don’t fuck with this.”

    Sure. She knows quite a bit more about what she is doing.

    I’m a telephone man who can cut down trees. And so far haven’t been crushed. So far. It doesn’t mean I’m a fucking expert.

    I actually don’t know shit.

  6. I have this wife that on occasion runs on way to much. We’ve been together for like a 100 years. We had two critical situations that I can recall where decisive action was required. And she shut up a listened to every command I barked. And by Gods grace we got through them. Am I the smartest one in the relationship? Probably not. They should specify libtard women.

  7. Do I do my research before voting? Yes. Am I probably more informed than my husband when it comes to the political world? Yes. Did I believe any of the covid bullshit? Nope, I’m not a freaking idiot. Do I sometimes go on and on about something that gets a bee in my bonnet? Yep.
    So do I have a problem with this description of the reaction to covid? Nope.
    Would I give up my right to vote tomorrow if that meant voting rights were only given to men who own property? In a freaking heartbeat, because honestly I am in the minority when it comes to women who vote, including Republican women.

    I will always say that God’s way is the right way, the man is the head of the household, women are their helpmate and should be raising children while the man supports his family. If we had more of that then we wouldn’t have all these homosexuals running around, we wouldn’t have mental kids thinking they’re the opposite sex, we wouldn’t have all these pussy men running around.

  8. I Had a girlfriend back in the day who pointed her bony little finger at me and said: Every time we argue you always think you are right.

    Ahah! Said I

    Ahah what?

    Of course I think I’m right. You just admitted that you don’t think you’re right, but still want to argue about something.

    Well sometimes.

    So you just argue about something for the sake of arguing?

    Maybe I just don’t want you to think you’re always right.

    i don’t think I’m always right, but if and when I think I’m right then it seems logical to defend my point of view.

    Well, maybe you can let someone else win just to be nice.

    … and there we have it, the answer to the question: How the hell did we get to the point that we give out participation trophies

  9. Do you know why they evacuate the women and children first?
    So the men can think of solutions without all the screaming and crying.
    I had the clot shot talk with the wife maybe 5 times, each time I made my case thoughtfully and informed.
    Today, she has many family members sick with unexplained illnesses.
    When she tells me about one she ends with; “Yes, you were right and I’m glad I listened to you.”.
    Heh, paraphrased, it’s usually longer than that.


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