CPAC Boots Loomer On Complaint From Soros Funded Group – IOTW Report

CPAC Boots Loomer On Complaint From Soros Funded Group

Just as the president was preparing to speak, conservative activist Laura Loomer was stopped at a security checkpoint and her press credentials taken back by CPAC yesterday. In a statement to Breitbart, Loomer explained ” I have now been told that I was banned from CPAC today and had my press credentials revoked because a Radical Left wing SPLC tied group called “Right Wing Watch” which is funded by George Soros, pressured CPAC to ban me when they found out I had media credentials.” More 

8 Comments on CPAC Boots Loomer On Complaint From Soros Funded Group

  1. Well, this is one of the plays the Left was thinking about for the NRA, too. Infiltrate, become a voting member and turn it into a hostile takeover. Why we haven’t been doing this to Left wing groups is beyond me.

  2. a Radical Left wing SPLC tied group called “Right Wing Watch” which is funded by George Soros, pressured CPAC to ban me

    And BLM is forcing AOC to say stupid things.
    Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  3. CPAC is a sham; the same group that welcomed Van Jones with open arms. Wake up call, lemmings; do NOT vote for the “Republican.” vote for the American, leave the slot blank and let the Marxists have it. The sooner we are at war, the sooner we can end this bullshit.

    “Death to EVERY foe and traitor.”


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