Cruz to Couric: Hillary Started the Anti-Obama Birther Movement – IOTW Report

Cruz to Couric: Hillary Started the Anti-Obama Birther Movement

cruz couric


Left-wing anchor Katie Couric discussed a wide range of issues with Republican Senator  Ted Cruz (R-TX) during a full-hour Yahoo! interview Monday.

Couric introduced Cruz as a historic candidate — potentially the first American president to be born in Canada and questioned Cruz on his citizenship later in the interview.

Cruz unnerved Couric by reminding her that it was the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008 that birthed the anti-Obama Birther movement.

“You know it’s interesting, the whole Birther thing was started by the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008  against Barack Obama,” Cruz said.

Couric was clearly ticked her off, judging by her folded arms and the how look on her face crumbles, when Cruz informs her that it was the Clinton camp that created the anti-Obama birther movement, a fact that even the the left-wing Politico acknowledges:


19 Comments on Cruz to Couric: Hillary Started the Anti-Obama Birther Movement

  1. it’s couric who should be interviewed.
    “has she ever heard of Benghazi”?
    “has she ever heard of fast and furious”?
    “where does she get her news from”?
    “how many illegal alien yard workers does she employ”? “none”? “then why do you hate illegal yard workers”?
    “does she enjoy gay sex”? “no”? “why do you hate gay people”?

    I could go on all day.

  2. It was worth watching just to see how pissed off she was.
    She looked like the dumb bimbo she is.
    BTW, it’s worth noting the ‘examples’ Cruz mentioned, for when the leftards start their mantra of ‘he’s not eligible’.

  3. Her body posture says it all. Arms crossed, a smirk on her face, trying to look down at Cruz. This is a woman with a lot of hate in her. Maybe we’ll be lucky and she’ll stroke out, live on Yahoo. Hmm, but then nobody would see it.

  4. I used to goof with the anti-birther crowd once in awhile. I used to ask them that if someone found papers written, by a couple of the Founders at the time of the drafting of the Constitution, which clearly defined the meaning of natural born Citizen to be a child born on US soil and to two US citizen parents – would they feel obama was ineligible? Outrage always ensued. Nearly all said it didn’t matter where he was born, or to whom, because he was elected. So there.

    To me it still matters. I suspect though, that even were such papers to be found, they will be tossed away as being too restrictive for our modern understanding of things. I am not disparaging Cruz, he’s just doing what politicians do, but this is not a well settled issue.

  5. Actually, Cruz is eligible according to the federal code at the time (since natural-born citizen is not defined in the DOI or the USC then it is the federal code that controls). He was born to one American citizen, thus he was a citizen at the time of his birth. Jindal, being naturalized, is not.

  6. I don’t know WHAT controls it or where it is “defined” – no one does. That has been the problem with this. There is historical “understanding”, then there are conflicting and ever changing laws and codes and lions and tigers and bears. But after reading 5 or 6 of the dozen plus attempts to have the clause retired/amended, or a law passed to allow non-native born citizens and naturalized citizens to qualify – well, where there is smoke there may be fire. The more you study the topic in depth, the more it seems it needs even more study. It’s a rabbit hole.

  7. The real question is was Katie Couric born a flake, or did she aspire to be one? Either way she is one.
    The folded arms got me. Like an old spinster school teacher quizzing a kid: “Well now young man what do you say to that?

  8. I like the Prof. He was very clear though that he relied on associates to do a lot of the “research” into the topic. I’m betting that I have done ten times the research they did, and what I do find is that it is not settled. People who are behind this candidate or that one, well they get really pissed off when I say that, but hey, it is true nonetheless. You or I don’t need to be a lawyer to understand words, and the Constitution was written for the average man to be able to understand.
    Some understanding of the old common language has been lost over time, but that clause was never amended. It shouldn’t piss anyone off to want to find out exactly what the definition was to the Founders.
    We know WHY it was put there.
    Everyone gets hung up on changes to laws over the years, but don’t think about the lack of an amendment. Issa brought it up when he was trying to help get some law passed allowing non-native born citizens to be eligible. He made a valid point that if a law is passed, it could be challenged in courts. If the amendment is made, it would be rock solid, and final. Heck, Conyers put in an appeal for an amendment in ’05. They know something.

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