Cuck-fil-A – IOTW Report



He doesn’t say what the poster says he said, but his anecdote was about kneeling before a black man to shine his shoes, and then he chose the black man on the set to shine his sneakers.

I’m pretty confident he is saying to shine black people’s shoes if you’re white, which is as dumb as it gets.

What is this? Reparations?

26 Comments on Cuck-fil-A

  1. I go everywhere with my shoe-brush….. what a pile of horseshite! I believe that we should be humble, but follow Christ’s path and call bull shite where we see it…

  2. Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy says ALL whites should get on their knees and shine black peoplesโ€™ shoes…


    …with “a sense of shame, a sense of embarrassment”.

    Fuck no.

  3. His biggest transgression is that he presumes to speak for me, both as a white man and as a Christian. And if I thought for a split second that he was speaking from a position of humility, kindness, and empathy then I would grant him some slack, but he isn’t. This is just a staged attempt to virtue signal, and flash his woke credentials, all in the pursuit of market share.

  4. I’ve been to the Chil-fil-A that opened in N. Spokane 3 years ago maybe 3 – 4 times and that’s it. No more CFA for me or the Popeye’s over in Post Falls either. And I can’t even remember the last time that I ate at KFC, it was that long ago. All these woke companies can go to Hell as far as I am concerned including the Dodgers.

  5. Seriously? White people should shine black peoples shoes with a sense of shame?? A sense of embarrassment, a sense of humility for what, exactly?
    Watching this guy debase himself and the white race under the guise of โ€œChristian loveโ€ makes me want to puke.
    How about just extending your hand and giving a hug and saying โ€œI love you brotherโ€.
    This is straight from the pit of hell, and this so called Christian is carrying satans water bucket, makes me sick to my stomach.
    And furthermore the black guy should have said โ€œ hey I appreciate the gesture, but you didnโ€™t have anything to do with what happened 200 years ago, Iโ€™m a free man just like you and I have had the same opportunities as ever other American, and every black American has had those same opportunities!โ€
    But instead the black guy enjoyed having this nutless white guy grovel at his feet…that is where we are as a country now, whites bow and prostrate themselves at the feet of blacks….
    And another thing, who brings a shoeshine brush to a revival?
    Jesus overturned the tables of this ilk and whipped them out of the Church!

  6. Whatchu talkin bout, Willis?

    Nope, not getting down on my knees for nobody..
    And I just emailed the corp office, my thoughts on their DEI program..reminded them how, itโ€™s worked out for AB and Target..

  7. Nobody of any color ever shined my shoes. If this is a ploy to attract black customers, stop it. They have Popeyes. What, you want Chick-Fil-A to become like Waffle House?

  8. โ€œWhat, you want Chick-Fil-A to become like Waffle House?โ€

    w/ this dweeb in charge … he’ll get his wish

    (dissed Cuck-fil-a when I figured out that I didn’t need pickles on my chicken sammich)

  9. Since the original owner is gone, things are going downhill.
    Will they quit their closed on Sunday rules since theyโ€™re no longer holding to Christian values?


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