DC: BLM Takes Over Target- If You Call “The Police” We Will “Shut Your Business Down” – IOTW Report

DC: BLM Takes Over Target- If You Call “The Police” We Will “Shut Your Business Down”

TP: On Friday evening in Washington D.C., Black Lives Matter protesters took over a Target store and threatened the people in the store, saying that they would shut down the Target if they called the police.

“All black people, living around this neighborhood, living around in this neighborhood, because you prioritize money over people, so until you stop calling the police, we continue to shut your business down,” said a man with a bullhorn who led the charge. more here.

SNIP: As usual, blm makes no sense.

31 Comments on DC: BLM Takes Over Target- If You Call “The Police” We Will “Shut Your Business Down”

  1. Communist Anarchists given free reign over uber liberal retail chain. Don’t call me.

    As Jeremiah Wright once said, “America’s chickenzzzz are coming home to roost.” Obviously this was an early incantation of America hating after the islamofascists knocked down the Towers.

    Same concept though.

  2. Target call the police! Now that is funny! The only reason they would call the police is to have them enforce their ‘Deviant Men in the Women’s Dressing Room’ policy!

  3. Extortion and blackmail make sense.

    Because they work.

    If they do it across state lines in coordination, then that’s racketeering and a criminal conspiracy.

  4. NascarNoose JUNE 28, 2020 AT 2:25 PM
    “That is not important! Did Bubba win the NASCAR Race?”

    …no, but that was undoubtably because of White Supremacy and Trump making him feelz bad about hisself and all those other crackas using their White Privilege to drive their cars better, so obviously it’s a Klan plot and riots are the ONLY answer…

  5. This is a protection racket and can’t be allowed to continue. The Federal Government is responsible for DC. Send the military in there and arrest the mobsters holding the store hostage.

    Trump has got to jump on this and make it stop, nationwide. People are losing their jobs, businesses, freedom, and in some cases their lives.

    President Trump: Stop this revolt by any means necessary. It’s gotten way out of control. It has festered long enough, now use your power to remove it.

  6. I suggest a small experiment to stop this nonsense.

    Shoot the guy with the bullhorn in the head and see what he has to say after that.

    Shoot anyone that picks up the bullhorn in the head too.

    I postulate their argument falls apart soon after that.

    Worth a shot. They offer no compromise but to submit and die. It’s, ultimately, self defense. They declared war.

  7. “Attention Black Lives Matter shoppers!”

    “For your shopping pleasure, we’re have a half-off sale on all first aid products this evening, including large and medium-sized bandages, medical tape, suture kits, arm slings, splints, head bandage and tourniquets.”

    “‘Cause, you’re gonna need ’em!”


  8. The sad part is that many corporations have bent over backwards to assuage their white guilt and have built shiny stores in ‘food deserts’ in the inner cities.

    The results were predictable. Give a community organizer an inch….and they’ll take the power they’ve seized to spy on and undermine their successor.

    This is Obama nation. And Hillary was supposed to be the figurehead for this criminal enterprise.

    These are truly evil people.

  9. What?! The customers didn’t fight back? With all that lethal “ammunition” and “weapons” in the store, no one fought back? Knives & fry pans, are two of the most obvious I would immediately think of. The STORE may have a non-violence policy for its employees, but on the customers? Just try and enforce it.
    “Any chair in a bar fight”

  10. As I recall, Target started this shit with their restroom controversy. They totally set themselves up for this!
    I also recall saying that their confused Target CEO needs to figure out whut the Hell he gets a paycheck for: taking care of the business and the employees or being a Social Justice Jackoff!
    May these Target Assholes reap whut they sow!

  11. Little fat boy probably lives in Gramdma basement. Plays video games all day, and bitches at Grandma to bring more snack for him and his Bros. Never has had a job and should be paid just for his awesomeness. First time he’s been out of the house this week.

  12. You can never give antifag or blm a f’ing inch on the street…..

    They want to peacefully protest……have at a peaceful protest….but cross that line….

    Bring in the pain…..batons, dogs, rubber bullets, tear gas, and water cannons…..

    No peace…….NO QUARTER.

  13. When you live and operate from poll to poll and focus group to focus group, you can’t see very far into the future. And as such, you can’t see that the alligator is going to eat you at the end, no matter how much appeasement you offer before then.

  14. Don’t black and hispanic people work at that Target? Why are they trying to kill their jobs? Do the morons even realize that blm was started by a few lesbians who hate all men in general? This has nothing to do with black people ‘shtrugglin and being keelt by the poe-leece’ but everything to do with grifting for cash.

    This time around, black people are actually pushing back on this bullshit. Not just Conservative blacks, all kinds of blacks.
    And I can’t imagine the blacks that were out working and now aren’t because of corona and riots being too happy with these clowns, either.

    There’s more of US then there are of those blamfita morons. They just seem bigger because of the media. That’s how it always is. And the people who work in media who don’t agree with what they do, they need to speak up. Project veritas and others are always looking for insiders. SPEAK UP!!!

  15. (Music interrupted…)

    “Attention Black Lives Matter shoppers!”

    “And WELCOME! to our newest ANTIFA patrons tonight! How are YOU?”

    “Are you feeling sick? Dizzy? Bruised?”

    “Were you shot, bludgeoned or just kicked in the head?”

    “Are you bleeding out from sudden holes in your body? Are your bones broken? How are your teeth doing tonight? A little loose, maybe, or missing?”

    “Well, you’re in luck tonight!! Because over on Aisle 666 is our resident doctor and store pharmacologist, Dr. Itore ‘Patch-em-up’ Titzoff who’s ready to fix you up!

    He’s got gauze. He’s got headbands. He’s got hydrogen peroxide! And yes, he’s even got TOURNIQUETS for those pesky – and usually unstoppable – arterial bleeds!!”

    “And tonight, just for this special occasion, all of the supplies you need are instantly half-off at Dr Titzoff’s register over at Aisle 666!! Go there NOW! You know you need to. Remember, this sale is for tonight only!”

    (Soothing music returns…)

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