Dead babies found in DC apartment may have been victims of infanticide following abortion attempts – IOTW Report

Dead babies found in DC apartment may have been victims of infanticide following abortion attempts

(Live Action) –

Editor’s note: WARNING. The following article contains explicit details about babies who have been aborted. It also contains a number of images of the babies who have been aborted. These images and a video are positioned at the end of the article.

Physician experts have told Live Action News that five aborted children in a D.C. apartment appear to have been viable human beings, raising questions about potential legal and serious ethical violations by the abortion clinic.

Dr. Robin Pierucci, a neonatal specialist, told Live Action News: “I can say with confidence that these babies died at an age when they were viable, premature people.” In her Friday morning comments, she noted that she was going to work in a NICU where she would “care for little ones this size and age.”

During a Thursday press conference, D.C. police quickly dismissed the possibility that the babies experienced illegal abortions but declined to comment further when asked by Live Action News. Although D.C. doesn’t ban late-term abortions, medical professionals are still bound by federal laws which restrict the method of abortion and require life-saving care for infants born after botched procedures.

Lifesaving care is something Dr. Cesare Santangelo, who operates the facility where the discarded babies were discovered, has already said repeatedly that he either doesn’t provide or actively avoids.

A pro-life activist voluntarily informed the D.C. homicide unit of the babies and surrendered them to authorities. Details are forthcoming but the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) group, to which this activist belongs, believes the “late gestational ages as well as their apparent sustained injuries potentially show violations of the Partial Birth Abortion Act as well as the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.” The group also announced that a funeral mass and naming ceremony was offered for the babies. more

6 Comments on Dead babies found in DC apartment may have been victims of infanticide following abortion attempts

  1. raising questions about potential legal and serious ethical violations by the abortion clinic

    This. This… raises… questions.

    G-d bless general suffrage.

  2. I agree with Uncle Al on the first post.

    I have not the words sufficiently terrible to describe this horrendous crime, nor words strong enough to express the condemnation that such malignant evil, such ungodly wickedness, such a product of a diseased, reprobate mind could deserve. There can be no soul so pure as the soul of an unborn child, no being that can understand the pain of having limbs it hasn’t had long enough to know how to use torn from its body less, no human that can be given greater violence than one who is one moment in the warmth and comfort of its mother’s womb then suddenly have its head crushed before it can even use that developing brain even to the point of being able to ask the question “Why?”.

    What human can rip a child apart? What human can ALLOW their child to be ripped apart? Even be GLAD their child is ripped apart, because it was “inconvenient”? How can the unheard shreiks of the baby being so savagely destroyed not reverberate through the pearl walls and golden streets of Heaven as the strongest possible affront to the Lord God Himself?

    I have seen some terrible things in my life. I have had to deal with catastrophic injuries, seen many results of man’s inhumanity to man, bandaged and splinted my way through those that could be physically saved, shut down feelz for those that couldn’t be to be able to do the job at hand. I don’t “gross out” easily.

    But these make me physically ill even as they enrage me.

    And guilt me as well. For I bear a burden also.

    I was young once, and without understanding. There was a time in my life when I thought abortion was OK, even facilitated it with transportation. Because of this, I too am stained with the blood of the unborn.

    I have learned better since when the Lord called me to His altar, but many young men and women remain decieved, and so I can understand them and not believe them unsalvageable. The Lord can work miracles and if he could reach the heart of such as I, he can reach the hearts of these as well.

    But for those who commit these infanticides, deliberately, repeatedly, knowingly, turning the healing gift the Lord gave them to a murderous mockery of medical care, I can only revile them as they bathe themselves in the blood of the innocents for profit and for politics. It is not for me to judge, but if any would seem to qualify as a reprobate mind, it would seem to be these.

    “28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

    29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

    30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

    31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

    32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
    Romans 1:28-32

    Those small souls could not be more innocent, so they no doubt went directly to the Lord. May they live forever in His blessedness and be thrice blessed that they never had opportunity to sin.

    It is not for me to tell God to damn those baby killers.

    But may God accept the damnation they have given themselves for destroying His most precious creations, and speed them to the Hell they so richly have earned.


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