Defeat Crooked Hillary PAC Calls for Candidates to Be Drug Tested Ahead of Next Debate – IOTW Report

Defeat Crooked Hillary PAC Calls for Candidates to Be Drug Tested Ahead of Next Debate

Breitbart: “If athletes need to be tested for drugs for the biggest race of their lives, shouldn’t candidates be tested for the biggest race of yours?” That’s the question the Defeat Crooked Hillary PAC is asking in a new 30-second ad titled, “Race of a Lifetime.”

The text of the ad is featured on top of Fox 10 News video footage showing Hillary Clinton audibly coughing and asking, “Can I get some water?”

The Super PAC’s call for drug testing the candidates comes just days before Clinton and Trump face off in St. Louis for their second debate on Sunday.  MORE

5 Comments on Defeat Crooked Hillary PAC Calls for Candidates to Be Drug Tested Ahead of Next Debate

  1. That’s gonna go no where.

    Make the case for continuing her failed policies will continue the nightmare. Everyone saw that video of her collapsing and her sycophants have it baked in. It’s the same as her lying-everyone knows she’s a liar.

    One of my REgressive clients, a sharp guy otherwise, doesn’t care. That attitude is reflective of REgressives. But direct the covo towards his wallet and her economic idiocy like raising taxes or raising the CGTR, and you’ve got his attention.

    You can’t deny the nightmare we’re in economically. All the left dominated media spin about a bullshit 5% unemployment number is only being bought by said same sycophants.

    Hammer her on her past, proven failures both over seas and domestically. Ask what the definition of insanity is.

    That’s my .02

  2. Following her usual strategy; deflect, distract, deceit and deception.

    Whatever it takes to break away from her record of lies, incompetence, selling favors, pay to play, breach of national security, foundation fraud and dishonest actions everywhere she’s been and everything she’s done.
    Despicable excuse for a presidential candidate to lead this nation.

  3. Part 2,(damm comment button was too close for huge fingers) screen then demand Hillary take one to reassure voters of her health! Them watch her try to produce a coherent reason why she shouldn’t have to.

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