Democrat & Republican Sheriffs Agree: Arm Yourselves Against Islamic Jihadists! – IOTW Report

Democrat & Republican Sheriffs Agree: Arm Yourselves Against Islamic Jihadists!


Freedom Outpost: 

Well, it looks like it has taken several Islamic attacks before some of these liberals have awakened to reality, but I’m glad they are at least sounding the clarion call to Americans against the Obama administration’s ridiculous notions that Islamic jihad is brought about by Climate Change or is merely workplace violence. Yes, Islamic jihad attacks are actually backfiring on the Muslim-in-chief as Democrat and Republican sheriffs are now calling on Americans to arm themselves in the wake of the San Bernardino attacks.

First, consider Democrat Sheriff of Ulster County, New York Paul Van Blarcum. On Thursday, Blarcum posted the following message on Facebook:

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15 Comments on Democrat & Republican Sheriffs Agree: Arm Yourselves Against Islamic Jihadists!

  1. It’s amazing how many people that have never owned a gun suddenly want one. Including little old ladies. I’m pretty sure most of the voted for the Obamanation at least once and have most their lives been anti gun. Nothing like a little fear for your personal safety to make you a little more conservative.

  2. There’s a YUGE market right now for certified trainers that can help these people select the proper firearm for them selves, make them safe with it, and train them up. I was in a gun store a couple weeks ago and some guy was selling some old lady a cheap 1911. She was really struggling getting the slide back. I know the store and the sales guy. I called him aside and ask him WTF. Sell her a little wheel gun. Not sure what she walked out with ten days later.

  3. Hey Brad, can a Gen2 Glock model 19 be upgraded to the equivelent of the Gen3 with replecement parts? The Gen2 will can not be accomodated by the RONI and thats why Im asking.

  4. It’s just ray-cyst!

    Nobody mentions the:
    radical Episcopalians
    radical Catholics
    radical Presbyterians
    radical Lutherans
    radical Shintoists
    radical Confucianists
    radical Buddhists
    radical Animists
    radical Santarians
    radical Mormons
    radical Jews
    radical Salvation Armists
    radical Baptists
    radical Jehovah Witnesses
    radical … what … well … nobody ever mentions them … do they?

    I wonder why that is?

  5. Oh Tim, Tim, Tim… Did you not hear our president, O’bamalamadingdong, peas be upon him, declare radical Christians terrorists of the the year 1095 responsible for the atrocities committed by ISIS?


  6. Yeah, I heard him … I’m all grieved up about the way the Celts were treated by the Chinese back in the Bronze Age, and I want to do a Celtic Jihad against them! They’ve ignored their Celtic shame for far too long!

  7. I assume that head in the picture above belonged to a muslim. What’d he do? Drink a Bud Light? And if he was a muslim obviously there’s a hopeless loss and a bloodthirsty rage within his own family against those who beheaded him. And they’d want revenge. Like a street gang seeks revenge when a memeber of theirs is murdered by their rivals. And so the vicious cycle repeats itself.

    This demonic ? has to stop. With warfare prayer and warfare, among other things. \m/-~-\m/

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