Democrats In Control of Minnesota Moving Towards Legalizing Pedophilia – IOTW Report

Democrats In Control of Minnesota Moving Towards Legalizing Pedophilia

PJ Media

Earlier this year I noted that the mainstream acceptance of transgenderism would be the precursor to the normalization of pedophilia. The evidence to support this was quite clear. And I’m sorry to say that I was right. The Minnesota legislature is in the process of changing the legal definition of “sexual orientation” that literally opens the door to mainstreaming pedophilia.

Here’s how it’s being done. The bill modifies the existing Minnesota law that designates sexual orientation as a protected category, making it unlawful to discriminate based on sexual orientation within the state. More

21 Comments on Democrats In Control of Minnesota Moving Towards Legalizing Pedophilia

  1. One can only hope that a multitude of lightning strikes hit the MN capitol building before this becomes “law”.

    It’s a bit surprising, in the land of 10,000 rigged elections, that it took them this long.

  2. I can’t begin to describe the richness and beauty of Minnesota. It’s lakes, the lush greenness of it all. The Falls are to die for (if you can time it the window varies from 4 to 14 days plus or minus 3 days). There is nothing like a Minnesota Winter and nothing more wonderful than being in a house with a fireplace kicking out heat as the night wind blows and it is -70 outside and you wonder in amazement that people survived it all 100 years+ ago. The Boundary Waters where the lakes are so clean you can dip your cup right into them and drink the water. The summers are hot and humid and that is what the lakes are for, after all, don’t you know. Anyhooo.

    I long to visit the place of my youth but by G-d I will never go back as long as they keep up with the insanity. It is absolutely heart breaking to see this happen. The Zeitgeist was funny when they elected Jessy The Bod as Gov. But now, they are talking of making Pedos a “Protected Class”? May G-d have mercy on their souls for I shall have none.

  3. The country is run by a known, documented incestuous pedophile who openly molests children in front of their parents on national televison and nothing is done about it.

    You cannot be surprised that this emboldens pedophiles everywhere.

  4. Dear Citizens of Minnesota,
    Arm up. You know what to do.
    Just do it at a distance, don’t get caught, and DON’T call the po-po.

  5. I’ve been harping on this for years now. When you accept one perversion as normal and protected you will eventually have to accept every perversion as normal.

    Once queers got the greenlight it became open season for trannies and the next perversion is pedophilia. After that animal sex I suppose.

    Regardless the fags swore up and down their protection would not be a slippery slope but it is, was, and always shall be. A large percentage of homosexuals lust after little boys.

    It’s ingrained in the Islamic culture as well. Their prophet was a pedophile. In the Land of Ten thousand tribes of Islam, I’m not the least bit surprised this filthy perversion would worm its way into law.

    If you recall Lot even offer up his own children to protect the angels but the perverts were well beyond pedophilia and wanted to screw the Holy Spirit himself.

    Can you imagine where America is heading? With pedophilia being legal and a CBDC barcode on your forehead. The end of days are approaching…

  6. “Behold I come against thee, and I will draw forth my sword out of its sheath, and will cut off in thee the just, and the wicked.”

    “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom …”

    We have turned our backs on God and worship at altars of perversion and death.
    I don’t know what the future brings, but I have a sick feeling in my gut.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Democrats have families too.

    And security/bodyguards/thugs usually follow the pol, not his fam.

    Be a shame if something bad happened to them while he was away as a result of this.

  8. don’t want to sound like a weirdo, but-
    I consider that this is just another facet of a form of self-ingratiation by succumbing to the pleasures of the senses. It is a business for some- they make money from it. It is an addiction, and the needs to satisfy it will drive its own increase. People are looking for fulfillment in the outer world. It will never be found there. As Jesus said: ‘The kingdom of heaven is within.’ Remarkably, I am finding that it is within, just waiting to be found or realized. But it is subtle until discovered, and it will not be found if it is buried beneath the carnal and material desires that are so prominently encouraged in our society. That is where we are today.

    Some of the Pharisees asked Jesus, “When will the kingdom of God come?”
    Jesus answered, “God’s kingdom is coming, but not in a way that you will be able to see with your eyes. People will not say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ because God’s kingdom is within you.”

  9. Minnesota where all the women have become men, the men are all emasculated or are becoming trannies and have become weenie 98-pound weaklings (where’s Charles Atlas, or Jack La Lane when we need them to whip these weenies into shape) and all the children are dull and retarded and below average. And all the muzzies have taken over. They’ve gone from the Catholicism of Our Lady Of Perpetual Responsibility to becoming infidels under the oppressive heel of the barbaric Somali bastards who want to rule Minnesota under Shariah law.

  10. Become your own Citizens Justice League. We will be judged on whether we turned a blind eye or fought the good fight. I believe we are being tested. Always resist Satan. Protect our children. It’s what is expected of us. We must not fail them.

  11. If pedophilia is legal then shooting pedophiles should be legal. If a pervert can molest a child and walk, then the child’s parents should be able to shoot the pervert and walk. Fair is fair.

  12. Well this claim is a stretch. Legal pedo claims, never gonna happen. But hell,using scare tactics & promoting hate is the number one game here. Rich made a claim yesterday. I see his claim & it has been raised but not at all by whom he claimed.

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