Dems in Cali Pass Felon Voter Law Because Their Voter Base Are Sc*m – IOTW Report

Dems in Cali Pass Felon Voter Law Because Their Voter Base Are Sc*m

There. Said it.

The right doesn’t want felons to vote because felons do not deserve to vote.

Furthermore, it’s no coincidence that the right is not overflowing the jails, because if you have right-wing values you are not a sh*tstain. Obviously, the reverse is true. If you have left-wing values you’ll most likely end up in jail.


The fact that the left passed this law means they are SHITSTAINS.


15 Comments on Dems in Cali Pass Felon Voter Law Because Their Voter Base Are Sc*m

  1. I have plenty of lib friends here in the capital of the olden state, and I suspect the will agree with this insanity. The state is crawling with early release felons, 40,000, give or take a few though, while at the same time it’s being overrun with illegals; from Asis and well as down south.

    There is a solid, Democrat, majority in both houses. Bullet proof.

  2. Calling all criminals — Hillary needs your help.

    * That “prison” in the picture is actually part of L.A. the County Jail system. It used to be called “Wayside”, but the inmates called it “Magic Mountain” (which is directly on the other side of I-5.

    I can still vote and own firearms, so don’t get any wizea$$ ideas.

  3. The divisiveness in this country was at its worse during the so called civil war. It has subsided, albeit gradually, since that time.
    However, it has escalated at an inconceivable rate since obutthole has promised to ‘bring everyone together’, to slow the rising tides, stem racism and make the world love us…..Holy shit and G-D. There has NEVER been such bullshit and Poppycock in the history of mankind.
    We should not, nor should we be compelled to live among, nor, most especially, live under the rules, guidelines, wishes, demands, authority, domination, jurisdiction nor oversight of ANY FUCKING LIBERAL.

    Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death—-Patrick Henry

    P.S. I don’t plan to die without a fight.

  4. Went to a public Sherrifs meeting last night. Mrs. Bad insisted on it. Our million dollar community is suffering from didn’t do nothing’s driving up and doing door kick home invasions. Long story short our most awesome Sherrif mentioned this. If you can’t legally own a gun you shouldn’t be able to vote.

  5. All Too Much,
    One if the victims was at that meeting. Little older guy with a ccw. He spoke at the meeting. “Our Sherrifs helped me through this ordeal. Great people but at the end pointed out I was no where’s near prepared and my mind set was lacking”.
    The master is up stairs, the house alarm was going off, they tazed the dog. His gun was in the fucking safe. Another ccw that passed the 8 or 16 hour course and never shoots and doesn’t understand the world. And it will get much worse.

  6. The sun is setting on the olden state. I feel for those good few trying to remain there and survive. Soon it will be land of lawless criminals over running anyone who doesn’t fight back. I wonder when the likes of Babwa Streisand, Whoopster Goldberg, David Geffen and the rest of the fruit bowls are going to flee? They fought for this, like Moonbeam Brown, they earned it, they should be shackled to their driveways and await the hordes descending on their punk asses. When the sharia terrorists get to Nanny Pelosi’s city, blood will flow like at Auschwitz.

  7. voir dire;” Soon it will be land of lawless criminals over running anyone who doesn’t fight back.”
    It’s not just lawless criminals it’s elites who make laws making US the criminals who are doing the over running. They are backed by left wing police depts and swat teams who have sworn their allegiance to them.
    Our only salvation are some good and decent sheriffs who still know and support the constitution.

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