Dems Pounce on Kristi Noem’s “less than worthless” Dog Story – IOTW Report

Dems Pounce on Kristi Noem’s “less than worthless” Dog Story

Washington Examiner

Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) has been trending on social media over the last two days as her fellow governors mocked her for admitting she shot and killed her hunting dog.

An excerpt from No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward revealed that Noem “hated” her 14-month-old dog because it was “less than worthless” at hunting. As some online raged over the anecdote, Democrat governors decided to flood their feeds with photos of their own dogs. More

The MSM has also dug its teeth in on this story. Here Here and Here

36 Comments on Dems Pounce on Kristi Noem’s “less than worthless” Dog Story

  1. I’m not a big fan of hers but if she felt the dog was untrainable, and aggressive she probably did the right thing. Same with the goat, I wouldn’t hesitate to put the goat down if it was a threat to my kids. I hope she does not become Trump’s VP. Speaking of potential VP’s, I wonder if Clarence Thomas has ever been considered. Can you imagine Kamala debating him?

  2. Dreams from my Father

    “With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chilli peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough)..”

    Eating ok, because eating doesn’t require the dog to be dead?

    Putting a dog on top of the car is also real bad, mmk?

  3. Having never lived on a farm I’m sure I would find many typical animal interactions disturbing, but writing about this was really stupid and given the level of stupidity in DC, why add to it?

    The wife and I have fostered dogs for years, so yes, this struck a nerve with me. 14 months is still a puppy and to label him as incorrigible or untrainable seems pretty cold-blooded.

    Being as charitable as possible I will assume that there was no animal shelter close by and a bullet is fairly painless. But the lack of awareness wrt the typical reaction of voters that do NOT live on farms and love their pets, regaling the reader with this gruesome affair to show her capable of doing the messy or ugly…………….she really dropped the ball on this one.

  4. The people who support abortion up to and even after birth are telling you are not human for admitting past mistakes.
    Same people looked the other way when reports came out about Pete “buttplug” Butiggieg strangling 5 dogs when he was a teenager.
    The hypocrisy and double standards is beyond pathetic.
    The only thing I have against this is the timing of releasing her book. She should have planned it better.

  5. Mitt Romney put a dog on the roof of his car. The Left never let him forget that (and his binders full of women). Imagine if he had shot and killed his dog?!?

    I’ll quit watching a TV show if the dog or any animals get hurt.

    I realize ranching and farming is a whole other way of interacting with animals but…

    Stupid move to put it in a book for 2A street cred or something?!? Trump doesn’t need anymore controversy for dummies to latch onto. Noem is done and done.

  6. I had a Husky/Malamute that decided to kill sheep It didn’t do it for food, it did it for fun.
    Came home with blood all over him. I pinned him up and the farmer drove up shortly after.
    I paid the farmer for his sheep and eliminated the problem.

  7. You put a dog down humanely when it is incurably ill or injured, or if it is a legitimate threat to people or other animals. Dog just isn’t into you or your hobby? Not a legitimate reason to blow its brains out. Find someone else who’ll take it in.

  8. Mention of veep candidates reminds me how disappointing it is that Jill Stein and Al Franken have failed to take advantage of their unique and unprecedented opportunity.

  9. @Uncle Al Stein got herself arrest in St. Louis protesting for Hamas. I don’t know what Franken’s position is on Israel, but he may not take a liking to the former presidential candidate enough for a cool bumper sticker.

    Al Franken strikes me as too smug and self-centered to allow his name to be used for anything except his own self-aggrandizement.

  10. Unkle Al & Dr Tar,
    Who needs permission, or to wait for those two to decide to join together to make a political (unholy) union?
    Sell it to your friends & neighbors & online
    “FRANKEN/STEIN 2024”

  11. Have just taken in the second stray dumped at my rural home. No way could I shoot a dog. If she thinks this enhances her reputation, she’s wrong.

    I guess it’s appropriate to say I wouldn’t vote for her for dog catcher.

  12. I need to read the exact passage to pass judgement. And it looks like you’d need to buy the book to find it. It seems highly unlikely she meant how it’s being presents. Maybe she said she’d shoot Joe like a worthless hunting dog.

  13. First thing I thought of was “Prarie Rules”
    Back in the day if the dog didn’t hunt, it may not make a good pet. And back then they didn’t have dog pounds or luxuries so that’s just what you did. Everthing had to earn its keep.
    Today it’s a different ball game.

  14. I still like her chances as a VP. If Trump selects her, and the Dumps go after her for this incident, she can nail them with the abortion issue. Maybe that is a tactic she’s employed to get them to attack her. If so she has skillfully set up the murderers for their millions of murders. President Trump does sort of thing this all the time and the dumbass liberals fall for it every time.

    I say to Kristi Noem: get Hillary Cliton to be your hunting dog next time. If she attacks a chicken or a sheep and bites someone, you know exactly what to do.

  15. @jerry Mandarin, my family back in the depression days hunted pheasants for food. There were times when the dog wouldn’t hunt the dog didn’t return. Some animals need to be put down.

  16. Farm people and city people are totally different. If we have a dog killing livestock sorry for city folks but that dog is put down. There is no such thing as a shelter for country folks. City shelters won’t take dogs that didn’t come from city limits. Non-profit shelters won’t take them unless they can find a foster.
    This dog according to her killed chickens for the sport, the worst kind of dog to have in the country. She did the responsible thing, because if she didn’t and that dog escaped someone else would have done it for her.
    Even chickens cost us a fortune even if you hatch your own. 50lb bags of chicken starter is around $25 now, you raise up 50 chicks and you go through several of those bags. If you buy chicks from a hatchery anymore and they’re going to cost you $3 or $4 per day old chick. Depending on the breed you’re looking at 5 to 8 months before they start laying. If you buy a laying hen now for one that isn’t old you’re going to pay a minimum of $20. One dog can easily wipe out 50 hens within 5 minutes. Now you start adding up the cost of a killed goat, pig, or calf and hopefully you see why farm people won’t let a dog that kills live.
    The killing of the goat I never saw an explanation for, did the dog attack the goat and she put it out of it’s misery? Was the goat old? Was it a mean goat? A mean goat can put a hurting on you and can kill a small child.

    I’m assuming she wrote the book thinking as a farm girl, because every farm person out there has no issue with her putting down a dog. Probably not smart for a politician to do, but for a regular person I can see why she wrote it, just sharing how life is on a farm.

  17. Certainly she made a mistake putting that in a book that is being released in an election year, unless of course she doesn’t care about her political career. Which may be the case. The reality is, is that if you have kids or grandkids, and you have animals that have shown aggressive behavior do you get rid of the kids, or do you get rid of the problem animals. I had to make that decision and it didn’t even take 3 seconds. My kids and grandkids are still around, Max isn’t. Still not a fan of Kristi Noem.

  18. I think the lady is a kook! She killed a goat because it butted her children??? Keep the kids away from them. That’s what a goat does it’s their nature to do that. And it smelled bad? Yeah farm animals smell lady! And her handling of that poor dog makes me believe she has no compassion in her heart. Deep down I bet she believes in abortion. I don’t trust her!
    My husband has had to put only a handful of adult animals down due to sickness and yes he is immune to it cause he knows it has to be done at times but he would never put a dog down we have a huge fenced backyard and our dogs are part of our family. We both hate dogs on chains or in small pens, that’s animal cruelty.

  19. I have always believed that Noem was Trumps choice, because, well, that’s Trump. This story is coming out now to get ahead of the PR disaster. Depending on how this plays out, Noem will be the VP nominee. Other wise, I suspect DeSantis will end up VP. As far as killing the dog (that attacked her neighbor) and the goat attacking her kids, it’s a different life on a farm. I wouldn’t be to quick to judge, at least not yet. Personally, I will never let a dog (vicious and big) use me for a chew toy.


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