Dems Are Shutting Down Government Over $5 Billion – Meanwhile, Obama Administration Mismanaged $500 Billion in HUD Money – IOTW Report

Dems Are Shutting Down Government Over $5 Billion – Meanwhile, Obama Administration Mismanaged $500 Billion in HUD Money

Flashback to the half a trillion dollar “accounting error” at HUD under the Obama administration.

5 Billion is the loos change you find in the couch cushions, yet, Schumer and company is shutting the government down over it.

Forget what the 5 billion is for, just look at the amount of money that falls through the cracks at the federal level and you can appreciate the absurdity of their stonewalling.


An independent auditor’s report from the Office of Inspector General reveals that some huge and potentially criminal (the auditor would not issue an opinion on the matter) discrepancies in HUD’s financial reporting were discovered after HUD reissued its financial statements from 2015 and 2016 “due to pervasive material errors.”

14 Comments on Dems Are Shutting Down Government Over $5 Billion – Meanwhile, Obama Administration Mismanaged $500 Billion in HUD Money

  1. Probably some Cash for Clunkers Cabal Cartel

    Anybody else aware of the 2AM Tow Truck Patrols roaming your neighborhoods nightly. They drive around high density hoods with their plate scanners looking from a master list.

    Mitt Romney knows a lot about how this scam runs.
    He likes Cars. And Data. And Scanners. And Money.

    It starts with a $100 Down to buy a loan
    From anybank USA which they own too
    A piece of the license plate stake
    Don’t forget the fees
    And knowing you won’t make it
    Our fleets they will come take it
    To the outskirts of Town
    Where Dealers allowed
    So Crowds gather round
    And for $100 down
    The cycle repeats
    Until deplete

  2. Say. I was just wondering. How much money did the seditious gay Kenyan Commie give Solyndra? How many billions did he illegally give to Chrysler and GM? How many trillions did he have printed? How many billions disappeared at the State Department on Hillary’s watch? Looks immoral.

  3. …he didn’t mismanage it, he STOLE it, and gave it to the enemies of the United States. You know, Russia, China, all 57 of his Islamic states, ACORN, OFA, the DNC…you know, the REAL enemies of our nation like that…

  4. And yet major media continue the nonstop tragicomedy about how horrible the government shutdown is. They still refuse to acknowledge that America doesn’t give a shit. We demand a wall and will accept nothing short of that.

    We all know $5B in a $2T budget is a joke.
    The Schumer shutdown doesn’t bother me at all and is revealing crying Chuck to be a partisan fraud.

  5. The lid is off.

    This is the most corrupt the government has ever been in US history. And we almost had that traitor and perv-enabler hillay Clinton to seal it’s fate.

    We’re hanging on by a thread.

    Btw, flash sale: get your Jeff bezos penis pics free with a new Amazon prime subscription. Free 2 day delivery.

  6. in a righteous world this 500 billion dollar loss would sink Castro’s chance of becoming the president to zero, but in todays bizarre climate who the hell knows. there’s going to be a lotta spin on this topic.

  7. @judgeroybean- “How many billions disappeared at the State Department on Hillary’s watch?”

    Upwards of 6 Billion.
    “In all, $6 billion are missing and it’s highly unlikely any of the money will ever be recovered. The cash was supposed to be used to pay contractors but it just disappeared and documents that could help track the dough cannot be located…”


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