Denmark Declares Covid No Longer Poses Threat to Society – IOTW Report

Denmark Declares Covid No Longer Poses Threat to Society

Bloomberg: Denmark will end virus restrictions next week and reclassify Covid-19 as a disease that no longer poses a threat to society, even as infections hit a record high.

The Nordic country, one of the most vaccinated in the world, won’t extend the pandemic measures beyond Jan. 31, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said Wednesday.

Denmark’s decision on reclassifying the virus dramatically pushes forward an idea that’s emerged recently in Europe — that it’s time to start thinking about Covid as endemic rather than a pandemic. However, World Health Organization experts have warned against complacency.

The easing of curbs also echoes recent moves elsewhere — including Ireland and the U.K. — to scale back restrictions amid signs that omicron is less dangerous than earlier variants of the virus.  more

15 Comments on Denmark Declares Covid No Longer Poses Threat to Society

  1. The Wuhan vascular endotheliitis has never been a threat to society. The threat to society has come from govts, financial powers, pharmaceutical cartels, and Marxist collectivists in all their variety. The threat to society is growing, not fading.

  2. Last week our wacko City Council dictated a mask order. Most people don’t care.
    I sent them the article about Denmark with the comment that a socialist country is now freer than us.
    They probably won’t care.
    We have an angry lesbian, an alcoholic lesbian and our Mayor is a Somali welfare queen.

  3. In related news, Noor Bin Ladin released a statement today saying Trudeau is the first of many leaders that will be fleeing and hiding. I hope she’s right.
    Big shit going on with the truckers on the Montana/Canadian border blockade. Reports are SWAT teams on both sides have shown up with orders to remove the Blockade. Truckers on both sides have decided they’re staying.
    GAB has the best coverage on the truckers I’ve found.

  4. Per Scott Adams:
    If someone asks you to mask up after today, #feb1, here’s the correct response:

    Karen: “Put your mask on, please.”

    You: “Mask mandates are not enforced after #feb1, by order of the people.”

    Karen: “The State website says you need a mask.”

    You: “Yes, but not enforced now.”

    Also, lockdowns etc. didn’t work, per Johns Hopkins analysis. Except for the economic and social destruction of course (also per the analysis):

  5. Read the small print, some countries are saying we’ll drop the mandates but we are going to usher in a digital ID. They just know they are going to lose control and don’t want to end up in Trudeau’s predicament but the digital ID/passport isn’t going away.

  6. Beachmom
    Sounds like the mental patient’s running our city council.

    Why do the voters insist on voting these crazies 🤪 in? Looks like Pima county did their share of cheating in the 2020 election and I believe that they have honed their cheating down to a T.

    Democrats have ruled this town for over sixty years and it is now a shit hole, we’ve had a tremendous increase in the homeless camps.
    I’ve had enough. 🤬


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