Far-left Denver City Democrat Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca stated from her government Twitter account on Monday that she stands in “solidarity” with someone who posted a graphic stating that if they became infected with the coronavirus, they wanted to attend as many Trump rallies as possible in an apparent effort to infect supporters of President Donald Trump.
CdeBaca, who has advocated for communism in the past, responded to a tweet that featured a graphic that stated: “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can.”
That’s okay bitch. I hope you get it too.
I thought they had that in mind when they fought the border wall efforts.
Doesn’t that sort of thing work two ways?
Someone should point out that “turnabout is fair play” idiom to her.
Just to see if she understands the concept or not.
That’s all right. Trump supporters are healthy and leftists aren’t. Pass the STD, meth, heroin, outdoor pooping etc. that leftists enjoy and let the antibody war begin. What the physical assault won’t kill, the mental deficiencies will.
Remember doorknob-licker Dan Savage? Dems have a sick—literally—obsession with ad hoc, low-tech bioweaponry. Makes you wonder exactly what is going on in Washington state with all the Coronavirus deaths. It’s almost as if Gov. Jay Inslee would like to have a high body count with which to flail President Trump. Crazy paranoid? Maybe. But in my mind, nothing is beneath Dems anymore.
Need to infect this whore with high speed lead poisoning.
Makes ya wonder what she’s spreading a little closer to home, doesn’t it?
Not an open declaration of War – but certainly a message of intent.
We ignore it [them] at our peril. Forewarned is forearmed.
izlamo delenda est …
It only infects people with brains high in fat content. Sorry liberals. When are we going to start giving these zombies the lead antidote?
Denver has been taken over by Kalifornia commies. They’re turning the place into a shit hole.
It’s cool – I “stand in” apparently with shooting communists and tyrants, just as our forefathers did.
That strikes me as a terrorist threat which I think is a federal crime. Where is the DOJ? She’s a nasty little piece of vermin from a nasty leftwing town and she needs a taste of jail (assuming she hasn’t already had some).
Sounds a lot like a call for the use of a biological weapon against the President to me.
Where are the Secret Service boys?
Every conservative should sarcastically cough in her face whenever and wherever they meet her. Call it a psychological operation.
Too many teeth and the eyes are vacant……..
She represents a district that was always Eastern european and German until the fucking Italians moved in ( my Grandmothers words LOL)…Then the Italians moved out because the fucking Mexicans were moving in. Now it’s been gentrified with the man bun crowd so a Mexican communist fits right in….
My great uncle married an Italian….quite the kerfuffle!….and Oh yeah, my great grandparents were German Jews who wouldn’t admit that fact….
Did she forget that we have guns to protect us from an out of control Government that includes her.