Dept. of Veterans Affairs Fires Louisiana VA Director – IOTW Report

Dept. of Veterans Affairs Fires Louisiana VA Director

Conservative Treehouse:

As an outcome of the systemic corruption and administrative malfeasance uncovered by whistleblowers in the Veterans Affairs healthcare system, on April 27th President Trump and Vice-President Pence participate in an Executive Order signing to enhance the accountability and whistleblower protections within federal government.

President Trump created the VA Accountability Office.  This was a major campaign promise to veterans fulfilled.  You could tell by the intensity of delivery this was a very important reform objective to President Trump personally.  Now today…

(Via Fox News) The director of the beleaguered Shreveport VA hospital in Louisiana has been fired following a three-year tenure filled with scandal — including accusations of covering up a secret wait-list, creating severe staffing shortages and refusing to buy essentials like vital signs machines, linens or mattresses.

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8 Comments on Dept. of Veterans Affairs Fires Louisiana VA Director

  1. The only people that should run or direct ANY V.A hospital-clinic should be a veteran not some desk jockey that has no idea what it’s like to fight-suffer or die for your country. Bastard needs to be punched. 🙂

  2. Eliminate all VAs… Give Vets cards for their service connected problems to be used in the community and make them a priority… get rid of the bloated overhead that hides incompetent healthcare providers and lazy overfed gov workers with their fat pensions…. many that retire are making MORE off their gov retirement then what they made working

  3. I’m sure the majority of time, it’s not the
    head at the desk, but the entombed shit bags
    that can’t be fired below them that are the
    cause of the majority of problems. I’ve seen
    a healthy number of fucks at the GS-13/14 level
    that need to be shot in the face.

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