DeSantis to Act as Karl Rove’s Spoiler Not Actually Win in 2024 – IOTW Report

DeSantis to Act as Karl Rove’s Spoiler Not Actually Win in 2024


Now, insider republican political pundit Mark Simone admits that Team Bush and Karl Rove are the specific organizers of the DeSantis 2024 effort.   Appearing on Fox Business, Larry Kudlow asks directly, “who is behind the DeSantis campaign?”   Simone admits, “yeah, it’s Karl Rove – Karl Rove has been advising DeSantis, that’s why he’s been getting a little bit better every week.” More

49 Comments on DeSantis to Act as Karl Rove’s Spoiler Not Actually Win in 2024

  1. I can only think that they must have turned DeSantis since he’s the closest option to getting in the way of Trump.

    It’s not working though, as it appears they still don’t understand Trump.

    I do like what DeSantis has done in Florida, but I suppose politicians will be politicians – always moving towards being a despot.


  2. DeSantis getting better every week?
    Um…not really.
    He’s been slow to respond to important issues and has been making weak swipes at Trump while pushing accusations that have already been proven false. Like how much hush money to pay a porn star.
    He’s getting more Jebby like every week.
    As usual Rove is a weak-azz phony who lives in a bubble and doesn’t have the first clue about actually real world voters.

  3. Dr. Tar

    Your tense is WRONG!
    He has been Rove’s spoiler for months; and IS NOW! Should have been crystal clear 2 months back the he got the “much wanted” Bush endorsement!

  4. DeSantis also said that GHW Bush is the most inspirational person ever.
    He has gotten Jebby’s endorsement too.
    Too bad because he had the potential to be the frontrunner in ’28.
    Now he’s sold out to ego stroking elitists.

  5. Weakness of character that he does know better than to throw his lot in with the Bush wing of the party or weakness of ability that he had no other choice? Either way, it’s not a good look now or in the future.

  6. It appears that Karl Rove intends to use Ron Desantis like Ross Perot was used in 1992 to split the Republican vote thus guaranteeing that the democraps can steal the 2024 Presidential election. I hate gutless, linguine spined, country club, weenie so called repubs. like Karl Rove, Jeb, GWB etc. who don’t the best interests of the American people at heart. They are as bad or worse than the friggin left. We won’t be fooled again, voting for Perot gave us Slick Willie and these bastards want to do the same to Trump. I hate these bastards.

  7. The fact that DeSantis has been announced as Keynote Speaker at April’s Utah State Republican Organizing Convention is an indication that he is the nevertrumper’s preferred candidate.

    Npw, some clever computer artist needs to make DeSantis look like McMullin

  8. The only upside, if Desantis becomes Trump’s running mate, the country club Rinos and Bushites can think most assuredly they’ll have a well rounded National Candidate Desantis in ’28.
    With that thought, Desantis should dump Rove immediately after the ’28 primary and run on Trump’s record of economic growth.

    Outside of that positive wet dream thought, ROVE, the pussified Pundit, is the kiss of death for any Conservative Candidate.
    Conservatives have learned going with the “lesser” evil (GOP) verses the (Dem)Evil is still evil (both Bushs taught us the lesson in spades.

  9. I love it when Rove stands tall and gets full of himself and talks big.

    He needs to be stuffed in a mercenary’s uniform and dropped behind the battle lines in Bahkmut so he can look for weapons of mass destruction. POS thieving asshole.

    He can take a cameo locket picture of Jeb! with him for bedtimes.

  10. “This should be an interesting thread”

    Not from me it won’t, I learned my lesson, that whole,”Don’t wrestle pigs in the mud, they like it and you will only get dirty” dynamic.


    “DeSantis also said that GHW Bush is the most inspirational person ever”

    No, he didn’t. What he did say, 10 years ago was that George HW Bush (41st president) was the most inspirational person that HE EVER MET”

    ht tps://

    Here is the full quote;

    “Inspirational person that I’ve met…hmm. I don’t know, that’s a tough one. I’m trying to think who and kinda modern times. I mean, part of the thing when, you know, when you’re grown up and you’re a blue collar kid, I didn’t really get to meet a lot of people,” DeSantis said.

    “And then even in Congress now, I’ve only been there for four months. I mean, I guess I would probably say Bush 41,” the then-Congressman clarified.

    Note to Brad, see, when you make an assertion it is only good manners to provide a link, you don’t go making your audience search themselves for refutation.

    Again, the quote is 10 years old. Let’s see what Trump was up to 10 years ago, oh yeah, he was a card-carrying Democrat who palled around and donated to Hillary and Shumar. He is the guy that has done complete 180s on gun control, nuclear proliferation, the Iraw War, abortion, Israel, and immigration. Yes, he is much better with his positions now. People evolve.

  11. I’ve been waiting for the Bushy worm to turn. Why run against Mr. Trump and attempt to split the vote unless you’re interested in sabotage, weakening the GOP ticket. DeSantis has never been what he seems to be, an America first, rock-ribbed conservative. Always believed DeSantis might be a RINO Trojan horse. Wish I was wrong.

    With Rove acting as his Svengali, be assured the objective is to stop President Trump from returning to the White House by any means. Trump threatens to end RINO rule.

    BTW, I’m not voting for DeSantis if he gets the GOP Presidential nomination. Been there, done that with “Mittens” Romney. Won’t get fooled again. I’ll write in President Trump.

    On a side note, sort of suspect DeSantis is a “Rhonda” after all. That’s really disturbing if true. Tyrannical globalists really know how to pick’em.

  12. So, the fight is brewing.

    If DeSantis gets it, he’ll disown Rove.

    And what Rich Taylor said.

    I’ll wait on pronouncing my own judgement. We can’t afford to lose 2024 to any Democrat because we’re “indignant.”

  13. DeSantis IMHO doesn’t want to run against Trump and lose, because going forward DeSantis will have lost his opportunity to ever run for the Presidency. DeSantis hasn’t shown me that he’s interested. Guess I’ll sit this election out.

  14. General Malaise March 27, 2023 at 1:40 pm

    So, the fight is brewing.

    If DeSantis gets it, he’ll disown Rove.

    And what Rich Taylor said.

    I’ll wait on pronouncing my own judgement. We can’t afford to lose 2024 to any Democrat because we’re “indignant.”

    I won’t give up my personal conscience to vote for a degenerate. Someone who is blasphemous and embraces abominations to God. My Christian beliefs won’t allow me to do it. I’m ashamed I voted for him twice. Furthermore, he was all wrong about the jab.

  15. America is the land of choices. Be it the fool who demands to take those choices away for PERSONAL gain. When one individual attacks everyone & anyone to atta that goal he is in complete suspect or credibility of his pursuits. We all know who I refer, he is again cutting his own throat. He will lose again.

  16. I said it awhile ago that he was being groomed. Just wait until he gets endorsements from Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and John Kerry.
    It will be a RINO parade.

  17. The USA is standing at the edge of the abyss of self-immolation.

    ANYONE and EVERYONE that has NOTHING to say about:
    Biden, Congress, the foul, corrupt alphabet agencies, the Economy’s trajectory, the loss of the USD as the world’s reserve currency (!!!!!!!!), the OPEN southern US border, the JOKE that our Justice System has become at all levels, the handcuffing of the US Energy industry, the absolutely intentional culture wars instigated to divide the American citizenry ….

    all these things, and instead targets Trump personally, time and time again, without success….

    they are my mortal enemies.

  18. If DeSantis is going to do a Ross Perot it would mean running as an independent after losing the nomination in 2024. Which raises the question, “Who would vote for him in 2028 after he throws the election against whatever weak democrat they field in 2024?

    I’m not voting for any republican who did. I’d rather waste my vote on a write-in or vote Libertarian. Anything, but the establishment’s candidates.

  19. DeSantis as Ross Perot?
    What the fuck are you guys smoking?
    That is some comical projection bullshit.
    Seriously you cannot believe that?

    The only and I mean ONLY person who is a threat to pull a Ross Fucking Perot is Donald J. Trump.
    Damn, learn history if you are too young, I lived through it and still remember.

  20. The Lincoln Project has a stiffy now for Trump.
    The MSM too.
    Does that disqualify him?
    You can tell who they want to run against, a man they know well and think they can beat, and that is Trump.

    They fear DeSantis could trounce whoever they put up.

  21. So THIS is your source:
    “Mark Simone, show business and music historian, has hosted over 250 PBS specials on the arts, entertainment, Sinatra, rock and roll, TV history, comedy, Broadway, travel and many more topics. A long time CNBC.”

    A PBS & NBC shill?

  22. Hey Loco. Fuck off ass hole. I knew this thread would send you into full blown melt down mode. Why don’t you channel your anger and frustration towards the Tree House. Like I said last night, I’m done wrestling with pigs.

  23. “Speaker Paul Ryan is a truly good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can question. We are with you Paul!”

    – President Donald J. Trump
    Apil 11th, 2018

    So really, can we dispense with this kind of nonsense about who supports whom?
    I can do this all day with Trump quotes for John Bolton, Lindsey Graham, McConnell, Fauci, Xi, Putin, etc…

  24. Ahem. Speaking as one who lived through it and remembers…

    Ross Perot was a successful American who prospered(!) outside the corrupt arena of politics. As a capable patriot, he loved his country and stood up to serve it in the true sense.

    Because he was no career politician swamp dweller, those who were creatures of nefarious government (pretending to be on either side of the fictitious ‘aisle’) piled on him like he was a foreign enemy. BOTH GHWB and shameless Bubba are pigshit to me, as they were then.

    When the self-serving political class revealed themselves, it made me more resolved to vote Perot again the next time. It’s possible they stole both elections from him, unlike the fairy tale they spun that he split the vote. If so, they will answer to God for that, there was no recourse for us mortals, non-lawyers tax slaves.

  25. LBS, cut the BS.

    All the sins you attribute to Trump are in fact REVELATIONS served up by him for the American people to see laid out.

    If Trump were like all the career parasites, he would be chowing at the pig trough alongside them, behind our backs.

    But he didn’t, and that’s why they hate him. And you should hate them.

    Paul Ryan is a good example of a lying, thieving snake that needs to be dispatched to Hell.

  26. The American Independent
    May 21, 2020
    Trump Campaign Hires GOP Strategist Trump Called the Worst In Political History.

    “Karl Rove, advisor to George W. Bush, and one of the so-called architects of the Iraq war, is joining Donald Trump’s reelection campaign as an advisor, Business Insider reported on Thursday.”

    Hmm, seems like your arguments are a house of hypocrisy cards.

  27. For those in the back…
    Ross Perot ran as an Independent and helped CLINTON get elected.

    DeSantis would never run third party, and only Trump would be petty and egotistic enough to even try it if he lost the primary.
    I hope he would not even consider it.
    That would doom his legacy to hell.

    This isn’t hyperbole, you know it and I know it.
    I bet some here would even cheer him on!

  28. I would like to know what evidence Trump had on Paul Ryan. Whatever it was, he chose to just walk away.
    I’m sure there were plenty Trump thought he could trust, now he knows the truth about the RINO swamp.

  29. “I’m done wrestling with pigs.”

    Hey, you just stole my line, I want royalties.

    RDS playing Ross Perot, and I thought it could not get more bizarre.

    But it’s all academic, the GOP will NEVER win another national election again, or at least in my lifetime. We have actual folks right here who have said 1)They will not vote for RDS because he is a Rino, 2)They will not vote for RDS because Bush and Rove endorsed him, and 3)She will not vote for Trump because he was wrong about the jab. You guys would all prefer either Biden, Newsom, or Kamala over a real Republican, this is lunacy.

  30. RINO has a new definition Rich.
    Kind of like “Everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler”

    I said it last night, it’s the Drew Bledsoe & Tom Brady situation.
    I’m still happy to have Drew at quarterback but it’s ignorant as fuck and a losing proposition to destroy Tom, who has a winning future.

  31. Democrats win the game then go fuck the prom queen, Republicans attack each other, lament the watered-down brand of conservatism that everyone else has but them, and wrap themselves in the blanket of,”we get ’em next time”.

    A perfect example of the big leagues; Harris called Biden a flat-out Racist on the debate stage, but when Biden got the nomination he put hurt feelings aside and chose a candidate his side could coalesce around. What does Trump do? He attacks his own side 4 times the number of times he attacks Biden and then thinks it is a could idea to announce he will only hire diversity hires, only those that tell him to his face what a cool bitchin’ guy he is and they are so honored to be in his presence. Best man for the job…………not with the man-child.

  32. ol exJrhd,
    I see what you did THERE!
    Well played!
    (slow golf clap)

    As for DeSanitizer, if Rove/Shrub are for him, then he’s been groomed and I’m against him. Plain and simple.

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