Despicable Google – IOTW Report

Despicable Google

This is the Google doodle for Christmas —

These were for Ramadan—

mosques and minarets

26 Comments on Despicable Google

  1. God forbid that a Nativity Scene would adorn the Google site.

    Isaiah 9:6
    For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder.
    And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    Reason for the Season. Our Savior is Born.
    Enjoy Family and Friends and have a Merry Christmas.

  2. Muslim influence in the USA hit its High Water Mark under stealth-Muslim Obama.

    From here on, it’s in decline. Americans have awakened, have voted, and the tide is turning.

    It’s hard to see any scenario in which Islam gets through the first half of this century without massive losses. Nukes (theirs or ours), pandemics, Shia-Sunni genocide, and the Chinese and/or Russians eradicating them for their geography or just to eliminate the Nuisance once and for all.

    God bless America, Western Civilization, and all IOTWers everywhere.

  3. Yep, I noticed that last evening, and thought wth?

    What to do?
    Get angry about it ?
    Or just say, sweet, prophesy confirmed, believers are persecuted as for told. And this is mild. I’m not shot or missing my head.

    Can’t say I feel blessed by it or that I like any percecution for faith. But it does confirm that Christ told us the truth. Just as he was rejected by the world so are we his followers & the servant is not above the master.

  4. When your motto describes what you shouldn’t do, you are telling everyone exactly what your inclination is by default.

    Ergo, “don’t be evil”.

    They censor everyone in America for political opinions contrary to their own but help the ChiComs, Russians, and every other tinpot to lead death squads to dissenters.

  5. Bing is great, but if you don’t put the family filter on, any image you search is porn.
    I have to find a lot of strange imagery because of agitprop.

    Lady With a Pineapple Upside Down Cake-

    First image… a girl is naked, upside down, having carnal knowledge with the cake.

  6. BFH
    Yousuhhh! All I get is pictures of cakes.

    If the images are of women over the age of 21, could you forward them on to me? Just for scientific purposes.
    Thanks in advanse.

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