Despite Robert’s Best Efforts, The Ruling Will Stand – IOTW Report

Despite Robert’s Best Efforts, The Ruling Will Stand

Fox News

The justices set to join Alito’s opinion include Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

Chief Justice John Roberts, who has at times sided with the liberal wing of the court, still appears set to oppose the decision, with the report noting that Roberts was still attempting to persuade Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh to take a more incremental approach to allowing abortion restrictions. More

22 Comments on Despite Robert’s Best Efforts, The Ruling Will Stand

  1. “…persuade Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh to take a more incremental approach to allowing abortion restrictions”

    …that’s not for this, or ANY,Court to do.

    They have to rule on what’s before them

    Thats it.

    They are NOT a legislature.

    No matter how much the Democrats try to use them that way.

  2. This ^^^.
    Also, the reversal is focused on federal authority, which it didn’t have. You don’t ‘do a soft landing’, you reverse the incorrect ruling.

  3. “… to allowing abortion restrictions …”

    Where does the Constitution authorize the “justices” of the SCROTUS to “allow” the people of the United States any-FUKKIN-thing?

    This (piece of legislation, or legal question) is either consonant with the Constitution (as the Constitution is written) or it isn’t.
    THAT is the limit of their authority.

    Anything else is Treason by usurpation of the Legislative or Executive prerogatives, ignoring the Sovereign (We, the People) completely.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. From the pace that leftists are pursuing already, if something isn’t done soon to put on the brakes, they will be killing babies that are 6 months old and already born. The entire abortion issue has morphed into insane levels of public acceptance.

  5. geeknerd
    MAY 9, 2022 AT 11:57 AM
    “Where does Chief Justice Roberts live? Just asking…”

    …he lives in Fear, and NOT of US.

    Someone is blackmailing him or threatening him or both. Watch him when he rules in very stupid and illogical ways, like on Obamacare or elections.

    He’s always afraid of SOMETHING or SOMEONE, so much so he says stuff he KNOWS is completely illegal and illogical, apparently to forestall some punishment.

    One wonders from WHOM.

  6. @ SNS MAY 9, 2022 AT 12:12 PM

    I commented at the time regarding the ease with which he sailed through confirmation. He is either compromised or mobbed up.

    History has pretty much validated my assessment.

  7. mickey moussaoui
    MAY 9, 2022 AT 12:01 PM
    “From the pace that leftists are pursuing already, if something isn’t done soon to put on the brakes, they will be killing babies that are 6 months old..”

    …well, they just spent 2 years and counting killing babies that were 70 years old, so its really not much of a stretch for them…

  8. If indeed the Alito draft is a draft opinion of the Court, and if Roberts is still trying to whip one or two votes over to his incremental sell-out position, then from my understanding of how the Court works, the current tally is 5-4 to overturn and since Roberts is not on the majority side (at the moment), Justice Thomas assigned the majority opinion to be drafted by Alito. The Justices then in conference, discuss and then take an ‘informal’ vote to see how the case is going to go and if the CJ is in the majority, he assigns the opinion and if he’s not, the senior justice in the majority gets to assign it.
    That draft is pretty good as it is; I wonder how it’ll look when the opinion is in final form.

  9. “Roberts was still attempting to persuade…”

    is this some of the ‘trading of votes’ we read about a few days ago? What is on the other side of such a trade? That isn’t judicial, it is business. How or why is he trying to change an other’s professional opinion?
    “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today” Whimpie

    I think they should ask kamala harris how this trading thing works.

  10. @SNS May 9, 2022 at 12:12 pm

    Because The Party placing him on a Party throne, because of who (what, if you prefer) he is, is just, too… damn… complicated?

    You don’t have to agree that another man’s hairy sack is the sexiest thing you’ve ever sniffed. That doesn’t mean (with a Party herd, just in the United States, of over a quarter of a billion candidates) that finding a few hundred people that do, will be more than a weekend scavenger hunt.

    All these pædos, all these Americans must be genocided-ers, all the cosmopolitan foreign rulers… are where they are, because of what they are. It’s not complicated. And there’s no way to “fix” them. Only deal with them.

  11. Have any of the girls from Epstein Island come forward and accused Roberts of anything? Seems to me if Melinda Gates was mortified (her words) about Bill being on Epstein Island and hobnobbing with the pedo, how much worse off is Roberts? I sure wish Gislaine would talk, her guy is dead, what does she have to lose? Perhaps if the left loses the federal abortion case, they’ll unleash on Roberts, and we may hear more about Roberts and what he’s hiding. Someone knows something.

  12. Is Chief Justice John Roberts the same John Roberts on the Epstein flight logs? Huh?
    Did Epstein facilitate the adoption of the 2 white infants by the Roberts?
    Was that the honey pot?

    Just asking for a friend who thinks Roberts is being blackmailed.

  13. “Have any of the girls from Epstein Island come forward and accused Roberts of anything?”

    Girls? Girls? Why would girls accuse Roberts of anything?
    (the buggered little boys have all been killed)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  14. Don’t worry lefties. You can always jam a wire coat hanger up there and find a way to sell the body parts to the highest satanic bidder you demonic pieces of feces!

  15. @Someone Has to Ask: Hmm, that’s a good question as to Epstein being involved in the adoption for Roberts.

    There’s also a pic that’s been floating around the net of Roberts in the water at Epstein island with some other men. IIRC, Epstein was in the pic. Also, Roberts name appears on the flight log.

    @Mrs radiomattm : Yeah, her life of course, but she may as well be dead. I’d put the word out to release all pics, videos, everything and let it fall wherever it does. She could expose Roberts if she really wanted to – if that’s the case.


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