Dianne Feinstein Backtracks on Pelosi Impeachment Delay Comment – IOTW Report

Dianne Feinstein Backtracks on Pelosi Impeachment Delay Comment


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) backtracked Thursday on a previous comment she made about Nancy Pelosi’s delay in getting the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

On Wednesday, Feinstein was among a crowd of Democrats who took a dig at Pelosi by saying that impeachment should now reach the Senate.

“If we’re going to do it, she should send them over,” Feinstein said Wednesday, according to Bloomberg. “I don’t see what good delay does.”

Confronted about the comments she made on Wednesday by the San Francisco Chronicle, Feinstein said, “I don’t know what happened there. … I did not mean to say that.” MORE

19 Comments on Dianne Feinstein Backtracks on Pelosi Impeachment Delay Comment

  1. I wish I could know exactly what Pelosi’s strategy -her thinking- is in withholding the impeachment articles from the Senate.

    Is she somehow waiting for some kind of supporting public momentum to build to remove Trump from office?

    If that is the case, she certainly seems to be out of touch with the public. So far it seems to be going the other way.

  2. …can you IMAGINE the dry, crack-voiced yelling that went on between these two smug, power-hungry old bitches? The brittle boned finger pointing, saggy ass clenching, with botoxed faces almost making an expression while forceful ejaculations of bad denture breath waft through the air between them, adding to the already foul miasma of elderly gastric systems outgassing in anger augmented by the faint urine smell that the Depends didn’t quite contain, and the vain attempt at masking with the most expensive if perfumes just makes it all the more cloying and pathetic, like a ribbon tied in the hair of a long-dead corpse?

    …guess this shows us that Nasty is the BADDEST bitch, tho…

  3. “I don’t know what happened there. … I did not mean to say that.”

    Oh, really?

    If you don’t know what you’re doing or why you say what you say, maybe you should find a different line of work?

    She should not be deciding the fates of nations. “I don’t know what happened there …” is a pretty poor excuse.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Racer X
    JANUARY 10, 2020 AT 8:45 AM
    “Nancy must have quite a collection of other democrat’s balls somewhere in her office”

    …and, in true Democrat fashion only the FEMALES have balls, which they collect and trade among themselves, while the males wimper outside and await their punishment…Pelosi just showed Feinstein her collection is BIGGER, is all that happened, and THAT’S only because she has quite a few RINO ones in there as well…

  5. ^^^

    …thank you, @huron, but you are too kind, because – in a way – all I’m doing is reporting.

    …I can’t claim to have been a fly in the wall at that PARTICULAR meeting, but I spent a LOT of time in and around many different nursing homes in various capacities during my callow youth, and this is pretty much a vignette of things I’ve seen in such places.

    …unless you’ve seen two septugenarian sweet old grandmothers in a deathmatch over one of the few surviving males in “The Home” (WAY more females than males, although the debate over if the men die sooner because they WANT to is beyond my current comment scope), then you haven’t seen what even normally NICE old ladies are capable of.

    And Pelosi/Feinstein didn’t start OUT nice, so it’d be WORSE.

    …and yes, the victor DOES have sex to celebrate her victory. I wish I didn’t know that myself, but that’s why I was there with the ambulance. Twice. Once to remove the loser, then later to remove the broken hip. Seems the victor may have been stronger, but not more flexible, and evidently her prize male didn’t have the grip strength or reflexes he may have once had to keep his celebratory inamorta riding within the bounds of the bed rails…

    …oh, and by the way, Democrat females get THEIR celebratory jollies by screwing US.

    …so, in a manner of speaking, the victorious Pelosi is on her way to pleasure herself on YOU.

    …well, you’re Canadian, so not YOU necessarily, but pleasant dreams anyway, and pity US as you contemplate OUR fate, knowing full well that your Justin is watching and learning…

  6. Supernightshade.I have seen these sweet little old ladies in action,I see it often.I boarded up my home to care for my octogenarian mother in her home and her friends gather at the table and spar over the men left in the community,it can get wild with the pursed lips and furrowed brows covering sharp stares. These old gals know each others game. The old men don’t know if they should ask for help or hide when my six foot two frame enters the room. As for our so called leaders they seem to be younger up here but their ambitions still raise their heads in that sit down proletariat way.


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