Dice- Pathetic Swalwell Begs For Money to Get On Debate Stage, Uses His Dog In Ad – IOTW Report

Dice- Pathetic Swalwell Begs For Money to Get On Debate Stage, Uses His Dog In Ad

The hopefuls are getting desperate as the DNC releases its tough rules to get on the debate stage, trying to cull the clown car from more than 2 dozen.

15 Comments on Dice- Pathetic Swalwell Begs For Money to Get On Debate Stage, Uses His Dog In Ad

  1. …why don’t you just threaten to nuke half your fellow Americans again, Rikki? THAT’S a good strategy. Maybe that’ll inspire the 15 or 20 in YOUR base to pony up a bit more…

    ‘Eric Swalwell, California Democrat, warned gun owners Friday that any fight over firearms would be “a short one,” because the federal government has an extensive cache of nuclear weapons.

    After Joe Biggs tweeted that Mr. Swalwell “wants a war” over the Second Amendment, Mr. Swalwell responded, “And it would be a short war my friend.”

    “The government has nukes.Too many of them. But they’re legit…”’


  2. gin blossom JUNE 3, 2019 AT 12:11 PM
    “They can all be eliminated by requiring a literacy test.”

    “Dat be rayciss!”, is what they’d say…

    “But the most formidable voting barrier put into the state constitution was the literacy test. It required a person seeking to register to vote to read a section of the state constitution and explain it to the county clerk who processed voter registrations. This clerk, who was always white, decided whether a citizen was literate or not.

    The literacy test did not just exclude the 60 percent of voting-age black men (most of them ex-slaves) who could not read. It excluded almost all black men, because the clerk would select complicated technical passages for them to interpret. By contrast, the clerk would pass whites by picking simple sentences in the state constitution for them to explain.”


  3. When I saw the title of article saying Swalwell and his dog and then knowing the morals of democrats I was bracing myself to see something with beastiality involved.😉

  4. His name is pronounced Swallowswell.
    Traits like pride, honor, self esteem and worth, thrown away on begging!

    What a pathetic, groveling, spineless scum.

  5. I thought he was supposed to be the guest of honor at a gay pride ceremony this week and next and next and. . .he doesn’t have enough o’ those folks behind him lol


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