Did Big Brain Peter Fonda Just Call Illegal Detainees Pedophiles? – IOTW Report

Did Big Brain Peter Fonda Just Call Illegal Detainees Pedophiles?

Trump said Mexico is not sending their best people. Included in the invasion at the border are rapists and murderers.

The left was appalled at the implication, so much so that they seem to have forgotten Trump didn’t say all of the invaders.

Peter Fonda, a very low IQ leftist, responded today by saying “hold my beer.”


It sounds like Fonda was tweeting that Barron and Melania should get a taste of the action that Mexican children are getting under the “giant a$$hole’s” policy.

By my math Fonda just called illegal immigrants pedophiles.


Now, go do your thing SJWs.


31 Comments on Did Big Brain Peter Fonda Just Call Illegal Detainees Pedophiles?

  1. There might be something else going on here. Today is the 20th, he has a movie coming out on the 22nd. How to advertise to the world for free? Insult and attack Donald Trump and his family. The movie promo gets splashed around the world in a few hours, the right boycotts movie, 20 million leftwing commies pay 10-15 bucks to see movie in support. BAM. 200-300 milion in the bank. I always knew Peter Fonda was left but as long as he kept his mouth shut, un-like his sister, I liked his stuff (Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry) and some others. Less vicious and it might have worked, but this is over the top, DeNiro type stupidity. Enjoy the Storm Peter!!

    To paraphrase Ronald Reagan’s character in his last movie ” I approve of larceny, murder is against my principles”.

  2. The Libtards are going nuts today. There will be blood. Fonda also tweeted that the Militant Libtards should find out the names and addresses of ICE agents and show up at their homes and kids schools and threaten the hell out of them. So ANTIFA released all kinds of names and addresses of ICE agents. Things are getting exciting.

  3. The movie Boundaries is getting panned. And he only has a few minutes of screen time.
    On Roger Ebert’s site the critic said that this “Road Movie” has convinced him that the genre has run out of gas.
    It has 50% on Rotten Tomatoes.

  4. Peter Fonda…
    Is a Cum Laude graduate of horses ass school,
    If you get between any woman and her off spring with intended to harm,
    Be prepared for great bodily harm and a long stay in the hospital.

  5. Don: This is a job for Luca Brasi. Tell Luca to have a chat with Peter, but don’t phuck him up too much. Make it look like a terrible accident and have Tom Hayden send some flowers
    moe tom.

  6. Rush said early in his show in reference to this and a Florida Rep’s office getting a call from a deranged leftist nut that he would kill his children to separate him from them that this was going to result in violence. You cannot get people this worked up and not have one of them take literally the insanity they spew. Disgusting.

  7. All of these people who are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome share one thing in common: they believed that Trump could never defeat the most qualified person to ever run for anything in the history of this country. I don’t think that the Secret Service will fail to act on this bit of stupidity. Stay tuned for the sequel to Easy Rider: Easy Target.

  8. Man, Henry Fonda must have been a real sicko for both of his kids to have such sex oriented issues. Doesn’t Peter have a grandson who should be kept away from him and his perverted mind?

  9. When I lived in CA, peter would show up now and again and people would just refer to him as a trust fund stoner and wanna be surfer.And yeah, they thought he was a full of himself weirdo, too. And for California, that’s sayin’ something. lol

  10. Bad_Brad, wow. They do realize all law enforcement officers have personal weapons, right?
    Nah…let’s not remind them. *giggle*

    Sounds like Peter Fonda is meeting up with some Secret Service, AND he’s about to be sued for unleashing the evil/stupid tranny brigade that is antifa on innocent people.

  11. Anonymous: No, Hank Fonda was a real ladies man. He was married five times and had a great many attractive women in his life. He was a lousy father though. A lifelong Liberal, he volunteered for naval duty in WWII and saw combat action during two years in the Pacific Theatre. He considered his children to be neurotic failures for most of his life.

  12. Look up the list of movies he did. CRAP, 98% of them.

    Only ONE good one, Race with the Devil.

    In 2000, a washed up bad actor at the time, reduced to being in ‘Thomas the Tank’ movie playing a washed up engineer… opposite Russel Means, yeah.

    He is the poster child and epitome for RICH WHITE PRIVILEGE.


  13. ghost: Peter Fonda was good in one great movie: “The Limey” with Terrace Stamp. It is worth seeing. Fonda plays a sleezy record producer and drug dealer. Stamp is outstanding as an Englishman out for revenge. He gets his revenge.

  14. The movie soundtrack of ER if anything was more memorable than the movie itself.

    For instance I remember hearing “If Six Was Nine” for the first time.


    “Wyatt (Peter Fonda) and Billy (Dennis Hopper) are freewheeling bikers. After smuggling cocaine from Mexico to Los Angeles, they sell their haul and receive a large sum. With the money stuffed into a plastic tube hidden inside the Stars & Stripes-painted fuel tank of Wyatt’s California-style chopper, they ride eastward aiming to reach New Orleans, Louisiana, in time for the Mardi Gras festival.”

    “Real drugs were used in scenes showing the use of marijuana and other substances.”

    Yaw’ll see? Maybe those ‘hicks’ knew a thing a two about
    drug smuggling hippies in their COMMUNITY…

    Peter the Projecting Pedo used his daddy’s wealth to make that movie, in the same way psycho sister went to straddle a VC canon.

    @ Marco – Thanks for clarifying Anon.

    H Fonda one of the top five greatest of all time. His best friend?

    James Stewart – conservative, decorated war pilot.


  15. If Peter the Projecting Pedo were a 22 year old and made that type of post/threat on social media…and created ‘serious damage’ the next day or week, the leftists and neo-libs would be asking why??

    (Oh forgot the answer to my own question, IBF knew about him but was not a real threat to self or others…)

    HOW DID WE COME TO THIS? They would say.

    Think about it, if PthePP posted that, how many more are there? Out there?


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