Do we have to bring up all of Obama’s misspellings?? – IOTW Report

Do we have to bring up all of Obama’s misspellings??

I’m sick of playing that game. If Obama tweeted his own stuff it would be a mess, trust me.

Washington Examiner-

Journalists, lawmakers and a famous author piled on Donald Trump Saturday morning after the president-elect misspelled the word “unprecedented” in a tweet condemning China for stealing a U.S. Navy underwater drone this week in international waters.

“China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters – rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented [sic] act,” Trump tweeted early Saturday morning.

About an hour and a half later he deleted the tweet and replaced it with the correct spelling.

But that did not stop Rep. Mark Takano, D-Calif., from calling on a “select committee” to investigate Trump’s “understanding of foreign policy and homophones.”


Foreign Policy




ht/ NM

34 Comments on Do we have to bring up all of Obama’s misspellings??

  1. Misspelling unpresidented and potatoe merits fierce scrutiny by the alert press, but visiting all 57 states and still having two to go, Alaska and Hawaii, is just a slip of the tong (sic). Fogetaboutit!

  2. Get used to grammar errors in almost everything you read. With the advent of Common Core, this part of writing is taking a back street to just regurgitating information from the articles written for the test. Not only do they contain contextual and historical errors, they don’t seem to care that they spell correctly or even know how to form a proper sentence. If the “experts” can’t do it correctly, how do we expect the students to know proper grammar?

    The basic rule of thumb for me is to mark up all the grammar errors and then halve them. That’s what I have to base the student’s score in that part of the writing assignment.


  3. WE Need to put a discrete building behind the Capital, decorate it like a woodshed, and take these ignorant twits to it when they flash their asses. Beat the living blood out of them. Do it a few dozen times and watch them zip their 1st amendment lips and behave civilly. Too many years under the Kenyan and his Pelosi Posse, where popping off one’s mouth is cool….NOT.

  4. Any man who never made a mistake never did anything worthwhile in his life. My father said that to me years ago when I screwed up
    about a half dozen cabinet doors he was making. It was his way of forgiving me. A good man. RIP Dad.
    I’d say that these critics of Trump are worthless nerds.

  5. “Ya weel, mabee if Shrillery had complained in all of Barrys’ 57 estates, she would have one the selection.”

    There, Stirrin, now it’s fixt like a true, blue, socialist progtarded moran wood fixt it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Oh gads zooks! Anyone keeping a list of Obama’s mis-speaks, missed terms, stuttering, and the horror of saluting a MARINE with a cup in his hand, will have an endless list.

    Don’t allow the lefts’ attacks of a real President bait you. The petty crap they choose to bitch about is only MISDIRECTION and pure jealousy. They burned Bush in effigy, maligned him, made up stories about him and he survived. If a Bush can rise above it, Trump will glide high above their malicious verbal missles of lies.

    Ignore them all and perhaps they too will have to vacate property like the NYT.

  7. Big deal. They’ve been calling him “unpresidented” for weeks now.

    Since the election, Trump has continued to Tweet away. He’s called for “Hamilton” to be boycotted and flag-burning to be criminalized, and every time the same scenario unfolds.

    Each episode follows a familiar pattern:

    1) Trump posts an inflammatory, highly opinionated tweet.

    2) The media goes nuts.

    3) Trump’s tweet then dominates the news all day.

    4) The media demands he stop tweeting because it’s “un-presidential”.

    5) Trump ignores them.

    6) Conventional politicians demand he stop tweeting because it’s “un-presidential”.

    7) Trump ignores them too.

    8) Trump wakes up next morning to every paper and cable news show talking about his tweet.

    9) Trump chuckles to himself.

    10) Trump tweets again.



  8. PE Trump was thinking that the US has been unpresidented for the last 8 years.

    When Millennial’s speak they always drop the first “T” in a word. Important is pronounced
    “imporant”. Nobody says anything.

  9. The press is just validating their puerility.
    They’re so far in the tank they’ve got a foot-valve up their ass.
    (yeah, it should be “foot-valves” and “asses” to maintain the plural, but this sounded better)
    Fuck em.

    izlamo delenda est …

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