Dodgers Suffer Worst Loss in 125 Years on Pride Night – IOTW Report

Dodgers Suffer Worst Loss in 125 Years on Pride Night


Not that this had anything to do with anything, but the Los Angeles Dodgers were humiliated by their archrival this weekend after deciding to host and honor a group of anti-Catholic drag queens at their Pride Night event on Friday. More

20 Comments on Dodgers Suffer Worst Loss in 125 Years on Pride Night

  1. 2 Peter 3:7

    “But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.”

    The Final Judgement, that day of reckoning, will be so justifiable, profound, and final, that these people should really be pitied. And the sad part is they all know that flaunting their wickedness and mocking God will damn them forever.

    Their separation from the flock will come soon enough but for today I will be happy with their separation from society.

  2. I shitcanned my Dodgers hat into the garbage can when I first heard about this. I’m done with the Dodgers and my son who is a huge Dodgers fan is as well. And if the Seattle Mariners ever pull a knucklehead stunt like this, I’ll boycott them as well. There is no excuse for this, and I am glad that the Giants shellacked the Dodgers ass 15 to zip. What would Jackie Robinson, Sandy Koufax, Vin Scully, Tommy Lasorda etc. think of this travesty? No more Dodger blue for me.

  3. Granted that is disgusting and offensive.

    Is it any worse than Celebration Gay Day at Disney parks? Gays are celebrated year round of course at Disney, transvestites too, but they are given special set dates as well.

    This in a kids amusement park and baseball. Demonic. And the same demons make priests, ministers, pastors, rabbis, imams abuse children and adults.

  4. @ Rich Taylor

    Thanks for the reminder in that verse. The ungodly will be destroyed (devoted to, given over to suffer the eternal misery of hell) after the godly are removed from the earth. This happens when the sixth seal is broken and the wrath of God begins.

    Rev 6:12-17:

    15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains,
    16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
    17 “For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

  5. anon….”wear rubber gloves and a mask.”
    That’s for viewing on TV. You’d probably want to go full hazmat bunny suit if the tranny nuns and their ilk are in the stadium.

  6. Queers of every stripe run rampant through society abetted by queers and cowards of every stripe running the organizations.

    Live and let live isn’t good enough for the queers. The reason it isn’t is that still small voice in every queer’s head that says… ‘this is wrong’. So they have to shout and scream loudly, use drugs of all sorts to drown it out,
    and, sure enough a quiet moment comes and… there it is again.

  7. Col. Angus ~ used to have to wear a full hazmat suit when I went to Fenway.
    dirtiest stadium in either league … including Wrigley!

    the bathrooms are so filthy that the liquid running down the tiers ain’t beers!
    shoulda been torn down years ago, but their management has alwasy been way too cheap.

    now, they won’t tear it down ’cause ‘hey, the Green Monsta’ … pulleeeeeez, they tore down The Garden, didn’t they? … hell, they even tore down the House that Ruth Built?

    tear that shithole down! … it even stinks from NYC, ffs!!!

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