DOJ Prosecutors Blame Hunter Biden For Guilty Plea Falling Apart – IOTW Report

DOJ Prosecutors Blame Hunter Biden For Guilty Plea Falling Apart

Daily Caller: Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors blamed Hunter Biden’s legal team for his plea and diversion agreements falling apart at a July 26 court appearance.

DOJ special counsel David Weiss and prosecutor Leo Wise filed a motion Monday disputing Hunter Biden’s lawyers’ account of how the guilty plea negotiations collapsed and emphasizing that Biden’s diversion agreement is not valid.

“First, the Government did not ‘renege’ on the ‘previously agreed-upon Plea Agreement,’ as the Defendant [Hunter Biden] inaccurately asserts in the first substantive sentence of his response,” the motion reads. more here

8 Comments on DOJ Prosecutors Blame Hunter Biden For Guilty Plea Falling Apart

  1. I still think this ultimate sweetheart Department of Just Us plea deal fir Humper was deliberately blown up to get rid of the Pedo.

    He is barely going through the motions now and vacationing 5 days out of 7.

    Some of it is just his usual arrogant, dismissive, dithering style but most of it is the rapid onset dementia.

    The sick, twisted fuck is only lucid for a few hours a day now and it’s becoming to difficult to hide as he smirks, bears his false teeth, and middle fingers America and the press.

    He knows the jig is up and is acting like it. He is just a placeholder for Manchelle at this point

  2. Heads up regarding the fake conservative media site NYPost which often showcases Prez Trump as the criminal while they hide Joe Biden’s criminal activities and that of the First Crackhead Son including their uncouth family. NYPost is also displaying much favor towards perverts, degenerates, Frankenstein stitched creatures, and other Joe Biden types for the purposes of increasing their disinterested audience.

  3. Who are they kidding?
    First a judge actually reads the plea agreement and sees the lifetime get out of jail free card for future crimes.
    Hunter still thinks he’ll be protected forever and can get away with anything.
    I think people are just sick of him.
    He must be a real jerk to know personally.


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