DOJ prosecutors resign after top brass reverses course on Roger Stone sentencing – IOTW Report

DOJ prosecutors resign after top brass reverses course on Roger Stone sentencing

FBI: Four career Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors abruptly withdrew from their posts on Tuesday in an apparent dramatic protest just hours after senior leaders at the DOJ said they would take the extraordinary step of effectively overruling the prosecutors’ judgment by seeking a lesser sentence for President Trump’s former adviser Roger Stone.

Fox News reported earlier Tuesday that top brass at the DOJ were “shocked” that prosecutors handling the case had recommended Monday night that Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced 67-year-old Stone to between 87 and 108 months in prison. The prosecutors asserted in the Monday filing that Stone’s conduct post-indictment — including violating the judge’s social media gag orders — merited a sentence much longer than the 15 to 21 months that the defense said was actually advisable under the federal sentencing guidelines.

In a new, amended filing Tuesday afternoon, the DOJ told Jackson that the government “respectfully submits that a sentence of incarceration far less than 87 to 108 months’ imprisonment would be reasonable under the circumstances,” but that the government “ultimately defers to the Court as to the specific sentence to be imposed.”

The government said in the amended filing that while it was “technically” possible to argue that Stone deserved the severe federal sentencing enhancement for threatening physical harm to a witness, such a move would violate the spirit of the federal guidelines.

It would place Stone in a category of the guidelines that “typically applies in cases involving violent offenses, such as armed robbery, not obstruction cases,” the government argued, noting that Stone’s “advanced age, health, personal circumstances, and lack of criminal history” also counseled against the harsh penalty.

Specifically, prosecutors said that although Stone had allegedly threatened witness Randy Credico’s therapy dog, Bianca — saying he was “going to take that dog away from you” — it was important to recognize that Credico, a New York radio host, has acknowledged that he “never in any way felt that Stone himself posed a direct physical threat to me or my dog.” read more

16 Comments on DOJ prosecutors resign after top brass reverses course on Roger Stone sentencing

  1. Sounds like they knew damn well they had pushed their BS to the limit and could NOT rationalize it further. No one quits over a work related dispute unless they are red handed guilty of something significant. Being that they were lawyers it tells me that they were given professional courtesy to surrender w/o prosecution on defense.

    Well done Mr. Barr

  2. This is one of those Swamp traps.

    Either they saw the lashing coming OR they resigned to now tell the corrupt media, “look, over there now, where we tell you to look… they resigned in “outrage” so the Barr/DJT DOJ would look bad in questioning the length of the jail sentence, getting the next narrative going, something to ‘impeach’ by ya see.

    It’s either one or the other?

    DOJ, I believe, are claiming they were blind sided.

  3. Exactly right, ghost. Early maneuvers for the next special counsel. Nunes and Sundance called it. It’s a deep state tag team: Special Counsel>Impeach>Special Counsel…………….

  4. Glover and twin nailed it. The fuckup deep state prosecutor schmucks will say they resigned in protest. They’re lining up book deals & tv gigs & newspaper op-eds while I’m typing this

  5. The prosecutors lied to their superiors and blind-sided them with the sentencing recommendations. I am guessing their mass resignation is a setup for the next round of impeachments hearings.
    At this point, the democrats have nothing else.

    They are also targeting Barr in this. They need him neutralized before he starts indicting people.

  6. ACParker has it right. This is the beginning of another round of “The Never Ending Impeachment” loop. Schumer announced that he’s calling for an investigation. This must have been spun up by the no bottom Swamp/Washington sewer rats.

  7. But nary a single DoJ Attorney resigned under protest over the past 12 years while treason was being committed on a daily basis?
    Nobody resigned when Holder was committing treason?
    Nobody resigned when Lynch met Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona and exonerated HRC before an “investigation” was even started?

    My goodness! What paragons of virtue are these?
    Kinda brings a tear to the eye, don’t it?
    Such bravery! Such courage! Fukkin cockroaches …

    izlamo delenda est …


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