Donald Trump Fires Back at Mitch McConnell for ‘Excessive Expectations’ Comment – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Fires Back at Mitch McConnell for ‘Excessive Expectations’ Comment

He was too nice

Breitbart: President Donald Trump fired back at Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell after he suggested that the president had “excessive expectations” about what Congress could accomplish during the first year of his presidency.

“Senator Mitch McConnell said I had ‘excessive expectations,’ but I don’t think so,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “After 7 years of hearing Repeal & Replace, why not done?”

Trump was reacting to a speech McConnell delivered to a Rotary Club in Kentucky, suggesting that the president was unfamiliar with how Washington DC worked.  read more

26 Comments on Donald Trump Fires Back at Mitch McConnell for ‘Excessive Expectations’ Comment

  1. So what Yurtle the Turtle is basically saying is that the Senate can’t chew gum and walk at the same time……they’re totally incapable of multi-tasking.
    The tree of liberty needs watering desperately.

  2. Listened to him and he sounds exactly as I hoped. Donald Trump the Washington outsider is doing his part and I am proud of him! All the RINO’s should worry about getting reelected as many of us are sick of their resistance to the President!

  3. McCONnell believes if you have “any” expectations of Ryan or himself supporting President Trump, America’s agenda or the voters, it is excessive because you don’t know the system.
    Once a do nothing, slothful aisle jumper, always one.

  4. If he doesn’t make it publicly, Trump should promise each senator that obstructed Obamacare repeal that he will hold rallies in their state advocating AGAINST their reelection, and will personally donate to their challengers.

    Plus, how can you whine about excessive expectations when you really haven’t accomplished ANYTHING! Wow, apparently expecting something was too much for these douche bags.

  5. Well, it may be a good time to terminate Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation.

    After all she is a former Bush appointee and the wife of McCONnell. I’m sure she doesn’t expect much from Mitch after he got her the appointment.

    McCONnell wants to play chess games, take his Queen off the table.

  6. @Joe Btfsplk August 10, 2017 at 3:21 pm

    You underestimate their mad skillz.

    Congress believes that if you convince the fools to stare at a problem hard enough and long enough, they will pay you time-and-a-half to fix it and the other one you created while they were gawking at the first one. And thank you for the bargain you allowed them to pay for. Twice the government work accomplished, at only 150% of the original cost.

  7. The tortoise still hasn’t righted himself. There must be a rut under his head. He’s digging himself in deeper, much like a vehicle’s tire digs the car further into a rut.

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