Doomsday Clockers Are Alarmed – IOTW Report

Doomsday Clockers Are Alarmed


Scientists and global leaders revealed on Tuesday that the “Doomsday Clock” has been reset to the closest humanity has ever come to self-annihilation.

For the first time in three years, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved the metaphorical clock up one second to 89 seconds before midnight, the theoretical doomsday mark.

“It is the determination of the science and security board of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists that the world has not made sufficient progress on existential risks threatening all of humanity. We thus move the clock forward,” Daniel Holz, chair of the organization’s science and security board, said during a live-streamed unveiling of the clock’s ominous new time.

“In setting the clock closer to midnight, we send a stark signal,” Holz said. “Because the world is already perilously closer to the precipice, any move towards midnight should be taken as an indication of extreme danger and an unmistakable warning. Every second of delay in reversing course increases the probability of global disaster.” More

38 Comments on Doomsday Clockers Are Alarmed

  1. Oh, fuck off. I’m so tired of emotionally-charged performative symbolic bullshit with no actual practical use or meaning. They’ve been doing this shit my entire life, and we’re still here.

  2. The “clock” metaphor doesnt work if you can EVER move the clock backwards, or even stop it.

    Using a clock as your symbol means everything you are doing or can do is futile.

    With a clock, midnight is inevitable.

  3. If memory serves, the Bulletin for Atomic Scientists was put out originally by the Union of Atomic Sciences which was a front-group for ComIntern – Stalin’s Communist International – in an effort to persuade the United States to unilaterally disarm.

    Gee, it’s kind of co-inky-dinky that they come up with this bullshit just after President Trump takes office, isn’t it?

  4. “Doomsday Clockers Are Alarmed”

    …you find out some things about human behavior in arson investigations.

    One of those things is that there are times the person who called in the alarm is also the person who started the fire..

  5. mystaclean
    Wednesday, 29 January 2025, 6:32 at 6:32 am
    “They lost me at the word Scientists.”

    …they would have us believe that their advice on how the affairs of all mankind should be run is sAfE aNd EfFeCtIvE…

  6. …another thing about this metaphor.

    A clock is NOT “Time”, it is only a REPRESENTATION of Time. Nothing a man does or does not do to a clock changes when midnight ariives in the slightest.

    Midnight will come whether a clock is stopped or not.

    See Revelation/Apocalypse for further details….

  7. The Left seems to latch on to a new “performance art” every year, then it becomes a quest to see who can perform the most outrageously or squeeze out the most tearz!
    I’m tired of their histrionics. Fuk ’em!

  8. “…climate change, biological threats, and advances in disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence.”

    Hey, Bulletin of ATOMIC Scientists, you had one clock. I’m sure there are other geniuses to fiddle with those other clocks. Stay in your lane.

    By the way, clock-watching Boomers, when all the Gen Xers die off, nobody will even know what those “hand” things are. Might as well be writing your reports in cursive.

  9. The same line of people that came up with fossil fuels. You know, all oil came from dinosaurs.
    Funny how you never hear of any apologies for the last 50 years of predictions that never happened.
    My prediction. Based on the rock solid evidence from the past, we are all gonna die.

  10. Harry
    Wednesday, 29 January 2025, 8:22 at 8:22 am
    “SNS – Time is no one’s friend”

    “This thing all things devours:

    Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

    Gnaws iron, bites steel;

    Grinds hard stone to meal;

    Slays king, ruins town,

    And beats high mountain down.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Hobbit”

    …the answer should be obvious in this context…

  11. Gee, I wonder what the 51 intelligence offers think.

    That’s right, nobody cares about what propagandists produce to create fear and heep negative impacts upon our governing bodies and citizens.

    Psalm 106:39
    Thus they were defiled by their own works, And played the harlot by their own deeds.

  12. cato
    Wednesday, 29 January 2025, 9:55 at 9:55 am
    “offers should be “officers”.
    Gonna have to fire another proof reader.”

    …maybe “offer” is right, in a way. Like the woman in this joke, they offered their honor to the highest bidder.

    “She offered her honor.

    He honored her offer.

    So it was on her and off her all night.”

  13. I’m hoping for 2 things.

    1. Their clock is as big or bigger than Big Ben.
    2. They take their Big Clock and stick it up their Ass.

    It would look like Vlad the Impaler did the job.

  14. I’m amazed these performative old fucktards are still doing this dumbass schtick. A half century of crying wolf is a sad commentary on how fucking stupid our so-called “scientific community” truly is.


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