The bromance between George Clooney and Barack Obama is reportedly on the rocks, with the Hollywood star said to be “furious” with Obama for setting him up as the “patsy” to end President Joe Biden’s career and then absorb the blowback following Kamala Harris’ election defeat.
“George is furious with Obama for disappearing after the election disaster and leaving him holding the bag for pushing the plan with his Hollywood pals,” an unnamed entertainment industry source told Radaronline. More
Just the idea of stumping for that brainless idiot, who’s only claim to fame is a ratio of fellatio that’s off the charts, really shows how truly shallow he is!
Dear George: You were the patsy. Barack Obama is a saavy politician, and it is probable that he knew that Harris, who was nominated as Vice President only because she checked the appropriate diversity boxes, would lose badly. I suspect that Obama also believed that rather than sacrificing a better candidate in 2024, it would be best to jettison Harris this year.
Biden was never a popular President, and Harris went along with whomever’s agenda Biden was told to promote. Obama knew that when Biden indicated that he was running for re-election, the Democrats were put in a box; Biden was likely to lose his re-election bid, the Democrats would look disloyal running another candidate and really no one but Harris was willing to step up. At some point, and despite the attempt to cover for Biden, the American public would eventually see a Democrat candidate who was not capable of being President, and Obama knew this as well.
George, you are an actor who generally pretends to be someone else for a living. But the political arena is hardball, and someone had to take the inside fastball at the head. That was your function.
Too bad that bimbo wife of his can’t help him out.
Oh, I forgot, those two are not on smooth ground either
George, when you chose to collaborate with the oBamboozler, your dumbness was baked into the cake.
Shut up and read your lines…
that’s cute you call him a “man”.
Cloony’s wife is named Amal. So, at one point in his life, he was into Amal sex.
He should write a script about a Hollywood monkey called Credulous George and the Wily Halfrican.
Clooney is a fucking idiot. So is that other fucking idiot Julia Louis-Dryfuss (making it her life’s work so people shopping have to take groceries home in paper bags that rip – while the privileged bitch never goes shopping herself). There are way too many other Hollywood fucking idiots making our lives miserable while they are safe from the misery they help force on us to name.
Nobody is as stupid as Alyssa Milano:
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice,” Bonhoeffer wrote, “[Evil] can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Clooney has never shown himself to be very smart.
He isn’t even a good actor.
No one cared what he has to say and that’s probably what really ticks him off.
His ego got nicked by us peasants.
Georgie the “Dumbest Man in Hollywood?”
Dumber than Meat Head?
Dumber than De Niro?
Maybe we need to eliminate any doubt with a Hollywood Dumb-Off.
Hands down the dumbest comedians in hollyweird are Jim Carrey and Will Farrell, they both suck and are not funny. When Jerry Lewis in very small doses is funnier than these 2 losers you know they suck.
Whoops – wrong link above….
ALL of This is the aftermath of the Dems running “the first BLACK President”…with 8 (EIGHT YEARS!) of these two American-hating queers breaking their asses to “fundamentally transform” Our Country.
Eight years later, the damage was done before we began waking up. Hey! Clooney! You owe your fellow Americans an apology for the poor excuse you are as an American and a mediocre phony actor, whom I will never watch ever again in any movie you are in.
This is the guy who wore the bat suit with nipples after all
@ Wyatt
That is most likely true, but they were still hoping they could pull off another cheat.
On top of all that America had it with the many last straws.
At some point they knew.
Amal, British carburetor brand. 1978, the California compliant (who saw that coming) Monobloc was installed on the Triumph T 140 V, a 750 cc enlargement of the venerable 650 upright twin.
And you know something else Geo Clueless, the more you whine the stupider you look.
You got used? Welcome to Hollywood you douchetard.