DVR Alert: Steve Bannon On 60 Minutes Tonight – IOTW Report

DVR Alert: Steve Bannon On 60 Minutes Tonight

7:00 PM Eastern, 60 Minutes will air it’s interview with Steven Bannon, post White House. There should be plenty of red meat to go around.


You’ll want to DVR it so you can FF through Charlie Rose’s insufferable preening to his liberal audience.

9 Comments on DVR Alert: Steve Bannon On 60 Minutes Tonight

  1. Correction: 7:00 PM Eastern, 60 Minutes will air it’s “Edited and redacted” interview with Steven Bannon, post White House. There should be plenty of “accusations” to go around.

  2. Overall a great interview.
    I love home so-called “objective journalists” get so worked up.
    Charlie Rose’s blood pressure was likely 560 over 280.

    Whereas a liberal democrat can lie to their face countless times while the “objective journalist” shakes his head in agreement like a fucking trained seal.

  3. I watched It. Charlie Rose did not disappoint me. He came up with the tough questions:
    Russian Collusion.
    Pussy grab
    Unpresidential tweeting
    I would like to see the entire interview. I just hope Steve Bannon has a full tape because I know the real good stuff was cut out.
    Charlie Rose is indeed an insufferable preener.

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