Earnest to press: Give Obama credit for being ”transparent’ – IOTW Report

Earnest to press: Give Obama credit for being ”transparent’

40 journalism and open-government groups sent a letter to the White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, in response to his Aug. 31 letter to the editor calling for journalists to give President Obama credit for improvements in government transparency.

Mr. Earnest highlighted some of the ways the Obama administration has improved transparency in the White House. Yet, over nearly the past eight years, the Society of Professional Journalists and other groups have repeatedly outlined to the administration various ways in which transparency has gotten worse, including:

■ Officials’ blocking requests by reporters to talk to specific staff people.

■ Excessive delays in answering interview requests that stretch past reporters’ deadlines.

■ Conveying information “on background,” and refusing to give reporters what should be public information unless they agree not to say who is speaking.

■ Federal agencies’ blackballing of reporters who write critically of them.

■ Lack of meaningful visual access to the president by an independent press pool.

Last December, a delegation representing 50-plus organizations met with Mr. Earnest at the White House to urge greater openness and transparency. Despite promises that the White House would follow up with us, to date we have heard nothing.

We were hoping we could point to this White House as a shining example of how it should be done. Unfortunately, we can’t do that and will have to start over with the next administration.

We vow to the American people to keep fighting to protect their right to know what their elected officials are doing.



Society of Professional Journalists


So what did Josh Earnest JUST whine about yesterday???


Washington Examiner: White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest expressed annoyance that President Obama doesn’t get enough credit for being the “most transparent” president in history.


more here

I realize you’re supposed to be paid whores, but c’mon. This is absolutely ridiculous. It’s worse than Baghdad Bob.

35 Comments on Earnest to press: Give Obama credit for being ”transparent’

  1. I hope someone hires this piece of shit and makes his life worse than Hell. I would support cutting off his nads, hanging them around his neck, and tattooing “I hate ALLAH n FUCKIN MUSLIMS across his forehead, back, chest, and ship him to Qatar. Add “Hey buddy, want a bj?” tatt down his arms, in Arabic and English.

  2. There has never been a more appropriately named White House press secretary.

    Earnest. Serious. Faithful


    Josh. To kid or humiliate

    For many years he’s been earnestly joshing us.

    So, every day he’s been seriously kidding us.

  3. How do people like Earnest or politicians face their
    neighbors each day? OH, just figured it out-they don’t
    care.(was gonna say-they don’t give a chit, but we have ladies in the room) 🙂

  4. The most annoying liars are the ones that keep an expression of sincerity on their while they look you in the eye and say something that everyone one in the room knows is not true, and never was.

    JoshE is like the kid with chocolate smeared face & fingers who denies ever sticking his hand into the cookie jar. Going on to deny ever seeing one before or having any knowledge where one might be found.
    He and Obama are two identical peas in the same pod.

  5. The “Foul Mouth of Sauron” had nothing on Earnest.
    (Josh Earnest, not Ernest T. Bass)

    People who knowingly lie for money – isn’t there a word for that?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. PHenry is dead on, Such is the problem with being Earnest. He can’t possibly be paid enough to mouth this idiocy!! Not to mention looking at himself in the mirror every day and asking, “What the HELL am I doing????”

  7. And aside from the Josh-ing not-so-Ernest being as transparent as a pool of oil, next they’ll have a new thing to worry and bitch about when Trump is sworn in…..the press, and the WH press pool, will be completely irrelevant. Trump will do daily tweets, bypassing the press and their lying agenda driven biased spin. Anything longer or more complex then that, and there may be a press conference, but I’m thinking that the usual old-school presstitutes won’t be invited; NYSlime, WaPo, LASlime, etc, etc. You get the picture. It will be interesting to see who is given passes to the WH press corp pool (and by extension, who is NOT).
    Or maybe Trump will give the old school reporters a royal black-and-blue dressing down, in front of their own cameras. He’s already done that before.
    We live in interesting times…….

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