Eating Their Cake Too – IOTW Report

Eating Their Cake Too

The Socialists running Venezuela into the ground decided that they would celebrate the birthday of the deceased Hugo Chavez by baking a giant cake and then eating it in front of their starving nation.

 Meanwhile, average Venezuelans stand in food lines all day and to try to stem the shortages the government had imposed a “transitory labor regime” to the farm sector – what we would call forced labor.

 More on cake eating Socialists, Here

 More on food lines and forced labor Here and  Here


12 Comments on Eating Their Cake Too

  1. some dumb comments on this site lately- if you lived there and stormed the palace would you want to eat that cake if it had a toe or toe nail in it? or worse- the aids virus? most of you commenters talk out of your ass but don’t realize that this kind of thing can happen here one day and then what will you do-make some stupid comment about how YOU have an opinion about how bad it is here? Rome is burning and all you can do is fiddle away with stupid remarks- I hope you- I never have to experience the terror of ISIS or the treasons that fall upon other countries. 9/11 was a wake up call but now it is past and everyone goes back to sleep mode. stupid comments don’t solve anything because you are in a safe place hiding behind your computer. What would you be doing right now if you lived in a war torn country like Syria- posting a comment on how hot it is today? shame on all of you…………….

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