Either Way, Someone’s Lying – IOTW Report

Either Way, Someone’s Lying

So far, the push back by former Obama appointees to the accusation that the former president wire tapped Trump Tower has been nuanced to say the least.  While qualifying their words by adding the claim no one in the WH actually “ordered” the bugs, they have yet to deny such eaves dropping did not occur.

Since Trump’s accusation was based on media accounts that his campaign was under investigation for collusion with the Russians, we are left with decide which member of the deep state to believe. Is the media who generated the stories to begin with telling the truth or the Obama administrators who claim they didn’t “order it” not parsing the language to cover their guilt?


They both can’t be right, can they?

35 Comments on Either Way, Someone’s Lying

  1. My two cents.

    I think the Russians are feeding them both bad information to play them. Both of them get info from the Russians that the other is doing “X” or “Y” while Putin sits back and laughs.

  2. Everything was going according to plan. Until Hillary lost. Which they thought impossible. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. They better start building more prisons.

  3. OT here, but I’d like to share an email about showing our support for President Trump:

    Wanna join me?

    On March 15th, each of us will mail Donald Trump a postcard that expresses our support of him. And we, in vast numbers, from all corners of the world, will overwhelm the man with our support and belief in him. We will show the media and the politicians we are standing with him.

    And most importantly, we will bury the White House post office with complete support of our President – We are honored that he was willing to take on this job!

    If each one of us — every supporter – writes even a single postcard and we put them all in the mail on the same day, March 15th…Well, you do the math!

    Write one postcard. Write a dozen! Take a picture and post it on social media.
    On March 15th, mail your messages to:
    •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••
    President Donald J. Trump
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500
    •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••

  4. Also, does anyone remember the Gulf of Tonkin resolution?? I do.

    How about “I did not have sexual relationships with that woman”

    Or, you can keep your doctor

  5. Pathological liar refers to a liar that is compulsive or impulsive. Low self-esteem is a commonly found feature in pathological liars. Journalists as well.

    Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
    Liars and the Lying Lies They Tell
    ..at you

  6. So, per the dems, we must investigate the Trump-Putin connection, based on nothing but an un-sourced article in the NY Times. On the other hand, to insinuate that Obama wire tapped (or hacked, or eavesdropped) the Trump campaign is declared a lie, fake news, paranoia, even though the same NY Times had actual evidence. Do these people think we are all stupid?

  7. I just wish that Trump had called Comey at the FBI and Sessions at the Justice Department to vet this story before he took to his Twitter account. This is a major distraction and a waste of his precious time. It is going to prove very hard to get the evidence that Obama was even slightly involved. Yes, it’s possible that he was subjected to being illegally surveilled. And I don’t doubt for a minute that Obama’s left overs in every government department are leaking to the MSDM, or that they are out to bring down President Trump. He needs to reign in his ego, and restrain his impulses. There is a lot of work to be done righting the Ship of State.

  8. Marco, Nope. He probably already has the evidence. You underestimate the mans IQ. Look what’s happened after his tweets. He’s got all of them sweating bullets.

  9. Marco, you are assuming that Trump is being opposed by rational actors with moral compasses.

    “This is a major distraction and a waste of his precious time.”

    See my previous comment up there.

  10. Everything with this guy has been one, big God-Damned Lie after another, from pulling the wool over people’s eyes about programs, to flat-out, bald-faced lies like “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, Obamacare will save the average person $2500.00 per year, Benghazi was due to a video, the most transparent administration in history, not one scandal, not a smidgeon of corruption, etc, etc. When you factor in the personality of this Damn Doorkknob the puzzle pieces fall right into place! The guy is a vain, unaccomplished, incompetant, self-absorbed, narcissist with a messiah complex who flaunted the law on a regular basis while implementing his New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, out-of-control, dictatorial “regulation”, insane Bathroom Rules for Radicals, so-called “sanitized transcripts for our protection” and a continuous stream of preposterous propaganda to prop it all up in the same way all Communist dictators have done in the past! As such it is highly likely he is paranoid as well, because deep down he knows full well that he is a worthless piece of shit that got lucky. These types are constantly obssesed with having the need to know what other people think of them and what they are doing because they absolutely fear being found out! Give this type the unencumbered ability to observe and listen in on other people´s activities and conversations without scrutiny or consequence and you´d better believe they absolutely will! It all fits perfectly together.

  11. Thirdtwin
    Xactly. Trumps not going to be able to accomplish major goals until he destroys the people that are waging this war on him and his admin. Their goal is to see him removed. And now he’s got everyone of the bastards in the defensive.

  12. Marco…gotta go with Brad. The dem’s number problem is that after all evidence to the contrary they still think Trump is stupid (or at least that is the narrative that they desperately want to push). I greatly appreciate that he is unconventional, it keeps them off balance and drives them nuts.

  13. I’m not saying Trump has not been treated illegally before or after his election. I am saying that I wish he handled these matters differently. Look at how much time is being consumed with this instead of focusing on the conservative agenda. He has erased a lot of the good will he gained with his address to Congress. He will never get the MSDM on his side, but he needs proof to make these charges stick. There are better ways to bring these charges to our attention than by Twittering.

  14. I have no trouble with President Trump tweeting the news he wants out there. How else would it get out? Do you think anyone in the press is going to take this story and run with it? No way in hell! Right now you can’t get this story off the air, if it was up to the media it wouldn’t have gotten on the air.

  15. I’m sure we all hope it turns out to be truthful and provable in a Federal Court in Washington DC or NYC. It could throw a lot of people into a Federal Facility if it is proven to have happened. But, there are better ways to get this news before the country than midnight Tweets.

  16. Marco,

    I’ll predict by the end of Trumps first term, certain libs will have developed sleep disorders in fear of waking up and reading Trumps 6:00 am weoponized strategic tweets. I hope he keeps it up.

  17. Marco, certainly not trying to argue with you on this, but how would it get out effectively if Trump didn’t lob a Twitter bomb out there. It seems the libs and the MSM will spontaneously combust on a tweet but most everything else disappears. He is going with what works, and tweets seem to work.

  18. I ask you all to stop using the work eavesdrop and instead use wiretap (or hack if it is computer-based).

    Eavesdropping has a connotation of naughtiness, of being somewhat wrong but mostly impolite.

    Wiretapping is a federal felony.

    If you agree, also please ask others to follow suit.

  19. watching this is just a blast. Seeing Trumps way of doing business, watching it unfold, is like “oh my God”. Honestly, I am glad i get to live through this. It will be something to tell my grandkids if i ever have any.

  20. @Val – I’d like to share an email about showing our support for President Trump:
    Wanna join me?
    On March 15th, each of us will mail Donald Trump a postcard that expresses our support of him.

    It might also help to mail a post card of support for Trump to your Congressman and Senator – to make sure their support of Trump is also expected. Probably a waste of time if they’re Pelosi, Schumer or someone similar, but maybe worthwhile for most others. Especially if they face reelection next go round.

  21. Dear God, I love this. The propagandists aka journalists are ca ught with their dicks in a wringer and Trumps got the handle.

    He’s gonna drag them through and juice them. And its not like he didnt warn them.

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