Elite IRS whistleblowers are bravely standing up to the Bidens, DOJ – IOTW Report

Elite IRS whistleblowers are bravely standing up to the Bidens, DOJ

NYPost: In an age of sleazy political corruption that seems insurmountable, there is enormous power in the integrity of two ordinary men willing to stand up, show their faces and tell the truth under oath. 

Two elite IRS agents, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, put their reputations on the line to testify yesterday about egregious wrongdoing at the highest levels of the Department of Justice, which they say obstructed and ultimately destroyed their five-year criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. 

Their integrity is as rare as a unicorn in Washington, DC, and they put to shame all the cowards in the IRS and DOJ and FBI who have stayed silent about this Watergate-level coverup. 

The testimony they gave and the evidence they will continue to provide Congress helps put the nail in the coffin of Joe Biden’s repeated claims that he knows nothing about his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings.

Not only did he know, but there is mounting evidence that he was involved in the international influence peddling scheme run by his son and brother Jim Biden while he was vice president.  more

8 Comments on Elite IRS whistleblowers are bravely standing up to the Bidens, DOJ

  1. although this corruption far surpasses the scandal of Watergate, if one were to compare the two, in this case we already know who Deep Throat is in this case. She was seen at bed bath and beyond looking at drapes the other day.

  2. The problem right now is the spinelessness of Congress and the corruption of the DOJ and Judiciary and the “legacy” media and the fact that the Democrats are now full blown commies.
    If they had half the cojones the politicians and media had during the days of Watergate we could hope for justice.

  3. As insulated as he was from crimes, which everyone tacitly knew he committed, Al Capone was finally incarcerated for tax evasion.

    Hunter and Jim Biden didn’t just wake up one morning and say to themselves, “Hey! My dad/brother would be very useful to a scheme to shake down international businesses in return for his U.S. policy influence.” That just doesn’t make sense.


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