Emir For a Day – IOTW Report

Emir For a Day


ht/ jason chisel

31 Comments on Emir For a Day

  1. Each new muslim invad…..er immigrant…should be presented with a baby pig….they have to care for this Pig for an entire year….If they still have said Pig after a Year….They’ll receive a Green Card ( The Pigs a-hole must be intact and blood free)

  2. Dhimmi’s been very, very good to him. Thankfully he only built a detonator timer and didn’t chew his poptart into the shape of a gun or point his finger like one. There is zero tolerance for that kind of threatening stuff.

  3. I agree czar. My “they” in the comment is “Muslims”. Soon , “see something say something” will come with repercussions like this clock bullshit. People will be hesitant to do something. Then. BOOM.

    Google info on Irving Texas. The mayor pissed off the muzzies down there.

    This is way too cotrived when you start connecting all the dots. Meanwhile libtard, PC asswipes are tripping over themselves to touch this kids dick. I don’t get it.

  4. Looks like it’s time to help my special needs daughter build a clock and use a pressure cooker as the casing. Better yet, instead a clock it will be a “count down TIMER”.

    Put that in back pack and with the local TV reporter on speed dial. Oh, wait, my daughter has red hair and does not call God al-or-a ugh so she would just get kicked out of school and my wife and I would be named the countries mist dumb parents.

  5. Irish. Great video. That’s a big problem. When you have a very critical media willing to charge “overreacting” of police, teachers, citizens, etc. We have a problem. When we have a CIC who invites a little prick like this to the WH?? What the fuck chance do we have?

  6. As a resident of Irving, Texas, where this whole mess happened, I’m pretty sick of it, as are most of us. The outright lies told by this kid and his family are now coming to light. The moron who Tweeted that picture has tried to get me to meet with her. I absolutely refused. There is not a muzzie on this planet whom I trust. Here is a good read from Frank Gaffney:


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