Emmanuel Macron wins French presidential election over rival Marine Le Pen – IOTW Report

Emmanuel Macron wins French presidential election over rival Marine Le Pen

Macron is France’s youngest president, at 39.

And here’s the first lady of France-



64 year old Brigitte Macron who was her husband’s former schoolteacher blew a kiss to supporters on Sunday.
Details here

31 Comments on Emmanuel Macron wins French presidential election over rival Marine Le Pen

  1. Will the Le Pen supporters now riot, burn, blunder; curse, and insult the Momma’s boy? I doubt it. But if the Maricon supporters don’t get their own way, and fast, they will. We may be witnessing the fall of France. Sad.

  2. They’re willing to live with terrorism because it’s normal. hahaha. Yeah, it’s normal, until it takes out 5,000 people at once. Then what? It’s slightly abnormal? A one off?
    I didn’t think Le Pen was the best thing ever, but at least she knows who the enemy is.

  3. No kidding MJA! I am older but I swear she has a heck of lot more mileage on her. Even my hands look better with fewer wrinkles.
    Wonder if she spanks him every night at bed time?

  4. LOL Eugenia.
    I should clarify, though. I don’t mean 64 as in she’s old because she’s 64- I mean compared to him, she’s his MOM. So I expect the comedians to be doing lots of mama’s boy jokes, right? …Right?

  5. Oops I am younger but still my wrinkles have not taken over like flies on a fresh turd.
    She could easily be his mom and do expect he gets a nightly bare bottomed spanking after removing his diaper.

  6. My mom and I were talking and I said if SHTF in France with the terrorists, etc. I don’t want us over there helping them at all. I’m sick of it. WWI and WWII means nothing to these Ameritards and Eurotards. All those lives lost so that the Morons from the 60’s to present day can invite the enemy inside. Fuck that. From now on, we bomb our own problems, then promptly come home.

  7. She must have groomed him.

    This is a sad, sad day for France. And for us. Used to love visiting. No more. It’s no longer safe from terror attacks.

  8. Cher professeur,

    Vous avez la pomme sexy d’un adam.

    Soyez ma mère et rappelez-vous que les hijabs me font peur, pas qu’il y ait quelque chose de mal à cela.



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