Even John Stossel Is Fed Up With The Witch Hunt – IOTW Report

Even John Stossel Is Fed Up With The Witch Hunt

FBN’s high profile libertarian, John Stossel, has a simple question for all those in the media afraid that their free speech is, or will soon be, infringed upon by the current administration.  Why not shrink government?





5 Comments on Even John Stossel Is Fed Up With The Witch Hunt

  1. I’m sick and tired of a thoroughly corrupt Media that ignored an “untouchable”, criminal-rich, administration for eight years searching high and low (especially low) for something that doesn’t exist and just making shit up when they can’t find anything!

  2. The smaller government is, the fewer problems are caused by its being corrupt, inept, and utterly forked up. Making it smaller seems a pipe dream, but is it really any less deluded than imagining it can be fixed?

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