Even Some Libs Know Their Policies Are Stupid – NY Democrat Gov Says the Border is ‘Too Open’ – IOTW Report

Even Some Libs Know Their Policies Are Stupid – NY Democrat Gov Says the Border is ‘Too Open’

It’s always a race to see who can out-virtue signal their fellow traveler. Sometimes the race is to see who can be more outrageous and “opne-minded.”

“Oh, you think kids should be able to be taught about bl*wjobs? Pffft. How Victorian. I think they should GIVE bl*wjobs!”

Some get caught up in the cult and not onboard with destroying America. They stupidly think that the left’s ideas are inherently “good.” They have no idea what they are saying or doing until their ideas turns everything to crap.


New York’s Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul ranted about failing immigration policies saying the southern border is ‘too open’ and demanded a limit on how many people can stream over into the US.

During a Sunday appearance on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation,’ Hochul said she feels the country’s border is currently too much of a free-for-all.

A record 260,000 migrants flooded across the border last month alone, causing chaos not only in border states that are ill-equipped to stomach such massive population influxes but in sanctuary states like New York.

New York’s Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul ranted about failing immigration policies saying the southern border is ‘too open’ and demanded a limit on how many people can stream over into the US.

During a Sunday appearance on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation,’ Hochul said she feels the country’s border is currently too much of a free-for-all.

A record 260,000 migrants flooded across the border last month alone, causing chaos not only in border states that are ill-equipped to stomach such massive population influxes but in sanctuary states like New York.


Even if you think you are virtuous and good-hearted, a conservative realizes when the lifeboat tips over, everyone dies.

Libs are a$$holes.

10 Comments on Even Some Libs Know Their Policies Are Stupid – NY Democrat Gov Says the Border is ‘Too Open’

  1. I wish she’d talk to Janet Mills.
    She plans on bringing 75,000 more illegals from Africa to Maine to add to our 1.3 million population. 10,000 more than the population of our largest city.

  2. Well tell me Karen, what exactly are you fighting for? Or are you just bitching & moaning. As far I see you are doing NOTHING. But you do moan real good. There is a saying, it takes 2 to tango. Dance around & cry, thats all you do, just like a lil girl.

  3. Their stupid, fucking, ignorant accusations, actions and demands are merely an on-going assault of their attack on America in hopes of causing confusion, despair and hopelessness for those of US that want to hold this country together.

    FUCK each and EVERYONE of them.
    The fight has only begun.

  4. Not enough “Fight” coming for the Republican party to support the border problem. Pointing fingers is for children. Reality says the Republican party is doing everything they can to NOT fix the border. Why? One reason, guess.

  5. it’s tough to have a horse face and a stroke, but somehow this corrupt bag of pus is still able to service the bosses well enough to keep her job as NYS Figurehead. She is truly an imbecile. Am I having a consecutive nightmare or do I miss Leatherface Cuomo. And for you out-of-state visitors, please save up your jugs of urine for when you cross the Mario Cuomo bridge.

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