Facts About San Francisco – The Progressive and Gay Mecca – IOTW Report

Facts About San Francisco – The Progressive and Gay Mecca

There is not one house or apartment in San Francisco currently on the market that is below $220k.

Less than 11 percent of the population is between 5 and 20 years old.

Teachers in the area are amongst the lowest paid in all of California.



Nothing good can be extrapolated from these facts.



19 Comments on Facts About San Francisco – The Progressive and Gay Mecca

  1. One good earthquake will bring down the entire liberal socialistic, deviant house of cards.

    California is the Mecca for taxing and thieving the crap out of everything. Nobody in positions of influence is accountable for anything, and personal responsibility and guilt / shame are nonexistent. “Everybody will hereby become a victim or else”.

    At some point, the nonsense is going to collapse California under its own stupidity. Unfortunately, it won’t collapse into the ocean – it will collapse into the rest of the country.

    Why do you think people are fleeing CA at a record pace.

    Pretty soon there will be a “leaving the state tax”. You watch!

  2. Tales of life in SF.

    In 2006 our apartment manager said the construction on the balconies would be over by October, so we moved in on 1 Oct. Construction ended in September of the next year (we actually left in February). SF is a city of liars.

    In 2007, our “glamorous and single” apartment owner was foreclosed upon. She was “so surprised”. What she did with the money we paid in rent is anyone’s guess. We had one month to find a new apartment. SF is home to all kinds of grifters.

    In 2008, a homeless woman screamed at me on the street in front of the Embarcadero Center that I was “greedy” for not giving her my money. Let that sink in for a bit. This is far from an unusual occurrence downtown.

    In 2009 a woman told me I couldn’t walk my dogs in the same park that her children were playing in because I was scaring her by “walking alone and I could be just anyone”. She was dead serious. I actually laughed at her. SF is a city for professional victims.

    In 2010, a rather large woman begging for money called my wife a “dirty ch*nk” because my wife does not give beggars money. My wife is neither Chinese nor unclean, and worked all her life for her money. The woman had nicer shoes than we did.

    In 2011, an Occupy Wall Street protester screamed at the people in our bus line for being the 1%. Because the 1% always line up for the bus in the rain. Also, someone in the city tried to forge some checks with my name on it. Despite filing a report and the bank having video, the police “didn’t think they would catch the guy”. Yet the police DO seem to have the personnel for five or six scooters (per sweeper!) to deliver parking tickets on street sweeping day. SF is a haven for the shady.

    In 2012, my company finally agreed to let me work from home. Tired of hearing gunshots outside our window in supposedly one of the “safest” parts of town, we moved out of SF and CA within two months.

    Want a really clear picture of the mentality in that city? Watch this:


    That place is a corrupt, greedy, childish, tantrum of a city and the sooner it collapses the better.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  3. Oh my, where to begin?

    In my early 20s in the early 70s, we would call “road trip” pile into my VW and head out to CA-it was such a great state-north to south on the coast was(and is) gorgeous.

    San Fran was always on the agenda-it’s such a beautiful city, IMO the prettiest city in the US.

    Disturbingly we would see more and more overt homo PDA going as far as blow jobs. I really don’t want to see PDAs from homos or straights for that matter, but seeing two hairy men walking down the street with their hands in each other’s crotches isn’t exactly what I’d call a happy view.

    I just tired of seeing this and I’m just coming out of the 60s and all of the Summers of Love stuff(yeah, I was a hippie) but this was too much. I stopped visiting.

    Since, I see the homos have 2 or 3 blocks cordoned(you bet) off for some kind of festival where they feel free to masturbate out of second story windows into the mouths of homos on the ground along with public anal sex and lots of oral sex.

    That’s a lot more disgust than I can handle so I haven’t been back for almost 40 years.

    What’s going to happen is this-there’ll be a catastrophic earthquake and it’ll devastate San Fran and every Christian organization(along with lots of other folks) will rush to help.

    There’ll be initial “shock” from the homos that we would even deign to help them and then our assistance will some how be mitigated.

    But damn, it’s a beautiful city.

  4. @MM — we had the unfortunate experience of being transferred to SoCa in the early 90s. We were there for three years. The best part was a vacation where we drove up the PCH all the way to SF.

    Yes, it is a beautiful city. When we returned to GA, we spent several grand on a Thomas Kincaid painting of the Golden Gate Bridge. Hangs over our fireplace to this day.


  5. I love how the story blames the costs on the tech companies.
    Not likely. If not one single home in the city is available for less than $220k, that means there are no neighborhoods where average families live.
    Hmmm.. wonder why that is?

  6. I was in Frisco[they hate it when you call it that]
    in ’71. I enjoyed it immensely, spent a lot of time on the wharf.
    My wife is from Berkley, we went there for a vacation in ’06.
    We were miserable, between the idiot drivers, the constant panhandling, the overpriced everything and the gay sex, it was depressing.
    We were to have spent 5 days there, after two days we left and went “down in Monterey”.
    I happen to love CA, have family there I visit still, but to even consider moving there again, heaven forbid.
    Even my Berkley born wife says there is no longer anything there for her.
    We love our little farm down the dirt road.

  7. Wait a minute. Underpaid teachers?? The graph looks like $70k to start.

    That is a nice Kinkade. If only it portrayed something I wanted to see. I wrote him a few times about rendering the family castle in Scotland but, sadly, he was past saving by then.

  8. Just extrapolating from the facts —
    Less than 11% of the population currently is of teachable age, plus there is a plenty of infertile, homosexual couples >> less kids in the future.

    Why would any teachers want to work there, let alone care about it’s teaching salaries? Future demand for teachers seems to be going down rapidly.

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