Fauxcahontas Chugging Beer in Order To Be Ordinary and Relatable is INSULTING – IOTW Report

Fauxcahontas Chugging Beer in Order To Be Ordinary and Relatable is INSULTING

Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren is blasted for ‘desperate’ and ‘try hard’ Instagram Live video which shows her chugging on a beer

42 Comments on Fauxcahontas Chugging Beer in Order To Be Ordinary and Relatable is INSULTING

  1. The “Who do we have out there”, reading off a sad list of a dozen names or so, reminded me of Miss Nancy on Romper Room School and her magic viewer that let her call out to kids that were watching the show. But I’m old, and ragged, and grey, and have memories of simpler times.

  2. And in another shameless attempt to appear “hip” and “with it,” Warren will demonstrate how she can stack peso’s on the head of that beer bottle, squat and pick them up, and even give you change! Not sure where she learned that skill set! 😉

  3. River of firewater lead to trail of tears.

    Lucky for Drinks With Two Fists that the Vape Shop employee who was fired for their mental breakdown at the guy with the Trump shirt has already agreed to be her running mate.

  4. “Hot Sauce!”
    When axed by a niggrah what she carries in her purse.

    “Y’mean, like with a cloth?”
    When axed if she wiped her hard drive.

    And let me guess – she had to dodge sniper fire at Logan?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “Next it’ll be a “Kin I git me a huntin’ license here?”, for the old battleaxe.”

    You mean like when fake “president” Barry Soetoro pretended to go shooting on the campaign trail, @azwatergeek? Seems like they do lie about things…


  6. gin: Exactly. Warren is Hillary Clinton minus the charm, sex appeal, pleasant disposition and beautiful singing voice.

    The Party of the School Marm Scolds finds another mirthless nun to rap the nation’s knuckles with her ruler.

    Will we ever NOT disappoint you, Mother Superior?

  7. Insulting on so many levels. So this is what she thinks the “average American” does? This is the apex of American desire and what we put in the twelve hour days for; looking forward, all the while, to chugging a generic beer at the end of the shift? By golly, she is just like that Clinton harradin. Then there was Barbara Bush with her silly pop bead necklace. Remember that? Bill Clinton was “the man from Hope”. Jimmy Carter was just a common peanut farmer.

    The D’s are always trying to figure out how to manipulate the “average American” and they fail miserably because they see America in aggregate and not as a country of sovereign individuals. All women must want abortions, all blacks must want gov’t intervention, all indians must want to live a 19C lifestyle, all gays must want unique laws that only apply to them.

    I despise the Left.

  8. “I’m gonna get me a beer”. She tryna tawk like us simple, unedumacated folks. We ain’t got such good grammar neither. We likes us some beer too.

    Ugh! The cringe is real.

  9. Warren sucking a beer bottle and Dukakis in a tank.

    Thanks! Dem ad men!

    I don’t drink! Well, I don’t drink beer, at any rate … and I don’t ride around in a tank cuz I can’t find one with ammo!
    I’d rather (not really) see her jam the beer bottle up Obola’s ass.
    Double your pleasure; Double your fun!

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. “Now I suppose she’ll be making a porn flick?”

    Ew. Just..ewww, @Billy Fuster. The only way that could be WORSE is if you make it a 3 way with Hillary and whatever “Michelle” is…

  11. Sure I heard it here however the NFL is going to support Fauxcahontas for her submission of a bill to rename the ‘Redskins’ as the Drunk Injuns. Lawsuit update to follow,,,

  12. They need to put her on a sitcom – Working title: Lizzie. She’s a sharp tongued working mom with an attitude. Her worthless husband adores her while she straightens out her kids lives by dispensing advice on life, love, and home brew.

  13. I’ll vote for her if she snorts a couple grams of fentanyl, a tab of LSD, 15 ambien tablets, and a quart of vodka.

    If the dead can vote, the dead can run for office, can’t they?


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