FBI hit with lawsuit after allegedly losing valuable rare coins during raid – IOTW Report

FBI hit with lawsuit after allegedly losing valuable rare coins during raid

JTN- The nonprofit law firm Institute for Justice has filed two lawsuits on behalf of clients who allege that the FBI failed to return valuable rare coins and other property it took during a March 2021 FBI raid on the Beverly Hills–based U.S. Private Vaults.

“We don’t know for sure how the property disappeared, we just know it disappeared,” Joe Gay, an attorney with the Institute for Justice, said on Friday. “And whether it’s negligence, whether it’s something worse, the government shouldn’t be able to rely on its own shoddy recordkeeping to avoid responsibility for losing their property.”

Don Mellein had sued the government in 2021 to get the coins back, which he estimates are worth hundreds of thousands. So far, only 47 out of 110 have been returned so he decided to sue again. more

19 Comments on FBI hit with lawsuit after allegedly losing valuable rare coins during raid

  1. now that we have crooks in charge of the Justice System, can we just vote the Mafia in instead?
    they’re more honest & only demand 10% … a freakin’ bargain!

    CostaNostranomics … cheaper than Bidenomics …. & they’ll protect you!

  2. This is no surprise. Happens at the local / state level all the time especially when it involves nice collectible firearms. They just seem to have the amazing ability to disappear into thin air when it comes time to return them to their owners. Nice shiny things present suite the temptation.

  3. The guy next door had eleven(!) cops search his property for allegedly stolen stuff. They confiscated quite a few items. Turned out none of it was stolen. He had to go to court to get the stuff back. Well son of a bitch… an expensive weed wacker and a lot of tools were ‘missing’. Never, never, never trust a cop.


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